Update to the forum members. YAgents (Bill) and I are digesting the email, an attached 2 page "broker guide" that says about the same thing, and another UH1 email I received 2/25/2013 with an imbedded video about the issue. Some of their premises are pretty weak, like their claim that Obama's promise after the Supreme Court that you "can keep your health plan" is the basis of this. They use a lot of wording like "might", "may be able to", and "most likely". So, let's see if we can get it confirmed by your/our best carrier reps, and maybe some legal sources before we assume that "renewable health plans" can just keep their current client book. Personally, I'll bet the carriers will try everything they can to keep the book in position by making as few changes and as little rate increase as possible. And I'll bet HHS will want them to do so, because it lessens rate shock-and-awe, and open enrollment meltdown.