Tracking Objections with Final Expense


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I have tracked objections for some time I have an objection that has come up several times and I have not been able to set the appointment. I have however door knocked some of them and made a sale, but it is my intention to set appointments and limit my door knocking to a small small part of my business. The objection is as follows after I have explained my reason for calling:

Prospect: Something came up and we are not going to be able to do it now.

Me: I understand, I hear that a lot these days...and I have to agree with you that things come up in my family all the time. All I need is 10 minutes of your time to go over the programs to see what you qualify for would 7 on Tuesday be convenient?

Prospect: Noooo, as I said something has come up and we are not going to be able to do it. Thank

Now I realize that some of these are tire kickers and I should be discarding them but I have actually went to their house and made sells. Pleeeeease, if someone could critique this I would sure appreciate it. Thanks.

Ask them what came up. If they are being honest they will tell you. If it's a doctor's appointment ask them what time is the appointment and how far is it. I have people that have blocked out a whole day for the doctors appointment. They will then say the appointment is at 10:00 and it takes them 30 minutes to get there. I'll say, well you should be back by 3:00 at the latest I could see you then. Them, "yeah that would work".

Just had one thurs where I was scheduling for the afternoon because my firstcall couldn't see me until 4:00. I work backwards on those. A lady said her whole afternoon was tied up but she could see me in the morning. I scheduled a 10:am with her.

It's the same for a haircut, they will schedule the whole day. If they start saying they probably won't feel like talking after they get home from the doctor or the hair apointment it may time to file it in file 13.

There are situations where they do want to meet with you but the next day is not gonna work. I will call those back the next time. If I get the same kinds of excuses then it goes into file 13.
This is the reason that all my business has to be done door knocking. I would love to call and set appointments. But I always end up having to knock on their door without an appoinment.
.... so if I ever got a "something came up" I just try back the next time im in the area. Eventually they all let me give them the presentation.

It took me some time to realize that... wait for it... you won't sell them all.

Some you won't sell them insurance. And some you won't sell them on an appointment.

Because the truth is if you're setting 50% to 67% of your leads as appointments, you're doing just fine.

What I personally hate is the instance like you mentioned, Ron. When someone actually SET an appointment and blows you off with some bullshit excuse. Can't they be honest?

JD's right about this, and, although I think your rebuttal is less satisfying, I think you did the right thing. Personally, I like to give an out to the prospect. That way they can tell me "No" and I won't lose sleep, wondering if I could have done something different.

"Mrs. Jones, I understand! When I get phone calls back from people who can't spare 5 minutes to go over information they sent in, they're usually afraid to tell me the truth that they're not interested -- would you like to reschedule, say, for Tuesday at 9, or are you really just trying to be nice and tell me no?"

At least you can leave them knowing nothing was there as opposed to wondering if anything at all was.
Dave (or any of you regular FE guys), if you had to guess, what percentage of your prospects have a computer with internet connection?
I have tracked objections for some time I have an objection that has come up several times and I have not been able to set the appointment. I have however door knocked some of them and made a sale, but it is my intention to set appointments and limit my door knocking to a small small part of my business. The objection is as follows after I have explained my reason for calling:

Prospect: Something came up and we are not going to be able to do it now.

Me: I understand, I hear that a lot these days...and I have to agree with you that things come up in my family all the time. All I need is 10 minutes of your time to go over the programs to see what you qualify for would 7 on Tuesday be convenient?

Prospect: Noooo, as I said something has come up and we are not going to be able to do it. Thank

Now I realize that some of these are tire kickers and I should be discarding them but I have actually went to their house and made sells. Pleeeeease, if someone could critique this I would sure appreciate it. Thanks.


Are you saying you had an app't scheduled, they "no showed" you, and your are hearing this when you call back to reschedule?


Are you hearing this on your 1st attempt to schedule the app't.

These are different situations with different solutions.
Less than 5% -- JD probably would agree.

Probably about right. 5% or less. I don't know about the non buyers but I ask every buyer if they have computer access. Even though I don't put anyone's email address on the application even when it asks for one, I ask buyers if they can get on the computer because every company has a website and they can get on there and check them out and see that the company is A rated and that they have been around for 100 years, etc.

Very seldom do they say they have a computer or internet access. Some will say they have a son/daughter that gets on the computer and they will have them check it out.

Far less than 5% have a smart phone. I will say that the seniors that do have computers use them all the time. I am on the mailing list of several of my clients and I get everything from grand kid pictures to recipes to political viewpoints.:laugh:
theinsuranceman said:
Are you saying you had an app't scheduled, they "no showed" you, and your are hearing this when you call back to reschedule?


Are you hearing this on your 1st attempt to schedule the app't.

These are different situations with different solutions.

It was not an appointment I had already scheduled but rather a new lead.

The last call was a 1st call to set an appt. She seemed very receptive at first and when I told her I was the person that takes care of going over the info with her to see what they qualifies for she then chgd her tune, got on the defensive and said something had come up and will not be able to do it now.
I can envision the husband or kid shaking his head and mouthing "NO DON'T DO IT WE DON'T NEED LIFE INSURANCE." while you were talking to her.

Might be worth a drive by?
I'll say something like, "That's no problem. Next time I'm in the area I'll catch up with you. By the way, what was your concern when you mailed me the card?" If they tell me their concern, I'll make a note on the card. Either way I write DK on the card and dook knock them the next day. I don't push too hard so they won't remember me as a jerk when I DK them.