It was not an appointment I had already scheduled but rather a new lead.
The last call was a 1st call to set an appt. She seemed very receptive at first and when I told her I was the person that takes care of going over the info with her to see what they qualifies for she then chgd her tune, got on the defensive and said something had come up and will not be able to do it now.
If it's a "we can't do it now" on a fresh lead what they may really be saying is "the money I thought I had to pay this is now is gone and I won't have any more money until the 3rd of next month so the last thing I want is you coming out to my house and trying to sell me something when I have no money and can't do it now".
I would drill down and see if "can't do it now" means not this week or they mean they no longer have a need for insurance to pay for their funeral because they just hit the lotto.