Trillion Plus, and then Some and then Some More


5000 Post Club
I am shocked to keep hearing every week about yet another increase in the estimate of the "reform" price tag. Of course people will be able to pay a little more in taxes to help with this because the average premium will be reduced by 2500 per year.

Just remember Obama said we needed to pass this to get the deficit/beft under control This is a savings in the long run, not an expense. You with me camera guy?


Health overhaul law potentially costs $115B more - Yahoo! News
Perhaps the Greeks will loan us money.

Yup. And we would be borrowing our own money back. Greece is being bailed out in part through the IMF - biggest contributor to the IMF is the United States. So we borrow from the Chinese to lend to the Greeks. If Greece is too big to fail, then surely things are looking good for California. Get your checkbook out.
Finally the greeks are looking into the role US Banks and investment firms that Efed them over. That will look nice hitting the sunlight. And then you have Iceland suing international bankers, and jailing domestic ones. I can't wait till America starts to do that, then we can maybe make a law to hold congress more accountable via prison terms and no lobbying...
You guys are worrying over nothing. If we need more money or Greece does or California we just print some more. No sweat!
4 more years! 4 more years! ...
And we would be borrowing our own money back.

Of course.

We loan money to GM, then loan money to GMAC. GM uses money we loaned to GMAC to pay back GM loans.

What a country!

As for California, I heard we were going to sell it back to Mexico and use that money to pay off the Chinese.