Trump’s DOJ Takes Surprising Stance on Agent and Broker Payments in MA

With the vast majority of seniors who use you that may be true (and likely some others, I can't speak first hand to that). Most of the senior clients I have are primarily professionals or worked in an organization/company that was not primarily blue collar (although a huge number blue collar jobs do require people to be good at using computers and other technology) - due to my network - who are very competent and computer savvy. I have read that about 30% of seniors sign up themselves not using an agent. Those folks are likely computer savvy and not cognitively impaired.

There certainly is a need for someone to help some of the seniors navigate the technology, the programs or both. But to cast all seniors, as your post seems to do, as needing help and that they can't even deal with signing into an email account isn't an accurate representation of most seniors - especially the younger half to two thirds of the boomers. Most of those, if they were employed, are computer savvy due to their jobs although not all may own computers. At this point computers are so much a part of the work place, and have been so for the last 25-30 years that it is really only the oldest of the boomers or the generation above them who are likely to have less or no experience with much technology.

Of course as some people start to become cognitively impaired those folks will need more help as they age (and most cognitive decline start at age 70 or older although around 33% of people never have much in the way of any significant cognitive decline). And someone has to help them as AI still has a long way to go with anything other than routine tasks. Of course whether or not the government continues to take that into consideration, with respect to whether or not people helping them can earn a decent living doing so, remains to be seen.

It's just an exaggeration. It's not absolute statistics. The point is, a lot of seniors are not very good at navigating technology, but the most important part of our job is the knowledge we have. That part, most people are absolutely clueless about, to no fault of their own.
Go back in the thread and notice who always starts the political shit with who. Hint: It's not the Republican side. You can't say anything related to insurance and policy without one of the 3 commie stooges here injecting TDS into everything.
Now why would anybody mention Trump in a thread about Trump? The nerve of some people, huh? Or maybe Trumpers just like to always play the victim, just like their idol?

I'm talking about who starts the underhanded comments, dipshlt. DuuuuUUUr! It would be great to discuss simple insurance policy and politics, in a civil manner, but most of you have the IQ of a walnut, and the maturity level of a sociopathic 13 year old, so that's out the window.

You would think after getting absolutely f*cking DEMOLISHED in an election, it would humble you "special" cases a little, but nope.

You got demolished in the popular election, obviously lost and got demolished in the electoral college, we held the majority and gained seats in the House, we flipped the Senate red to a majority, you lost EVERY SINGLE SWING STATE, and literally EVERY SINGLE STATE trended way more red.

The only states you managed to win are crooked blue ones where illegals and dead people vote, because there's no voter ID laws. lol. Your message doesn't resonate with most people for a reason....because it defies common sense and logic.

Take your massive "L" and go be quiet, political minority. Nobody cares.
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I'm talking about who starts the underhanded comments, dipshlt. DuuuuUUUr! It would be great to discuss simple insurance policy and politics, but most of you have the IQ of a walnut, and the maturity level of a sociopathic 13 year old, so that's out the window.

You would think after getting absolutely f*cking DEMOLISHED in an election, it would humble you "special" cases a little, but nope.

You got demolished in the popular election, obviously lost in the electoral college, we gained seats in the House, we flipped the Senate red, you lost EVERY SINGLE swing state, and literally every single state trended way more red.

The only states you manage to win are crooked blue ones where illegals and dead people vote, because there's no voter ID laws. lol. Your message doesn't resonate with most people for a reason....because it defies common sense and logic.

Take your massive "L" and go be quiet, political minority. Nobody cares.
You sound a little bothered, Snowflake. I'd be too if I was trying to defend the indefensible.
Reading agent remarks you would think that their customers can't read, don't know how to use a computer/tablet/smartphone, and are dead broke.

Most of my clients are middle to upper income white collar folks who pay their bills and are looking for advice and help navigating the Medicare maze. They have an idea of what they want and don't want, but they are looking for someone to answer their questions without a BS sales pitch.

These folks are good, long term clients with almost zero defections and they readily offer referrals without my asking.

My latest newsletter about hearing aids generated considerable response and a flood of referrals.

At the risk of generalizing, people in the 65-77 range are very capable with technology. And that age range will keep expanding with time... as it has over the past 15 years.

15 years ago, a 65 year old would have been completely lost on an eSignature.

Now, its like second nature to most 65 year olds.

I just sat down with a couple in their early 80s. They dont want anything email or electronic. Today Im meeting with someone age 72 and he is great with eSignatures.

Now, I dont work the MAPD market. But the seniors I deal with are for the most part, very capable to complete an online form or eSignature.
At the risk of generalizing, people in the 65-77 range are very capable with technology. And that age range will keep expanding with time... as it has over the past 15 years.

15 years ago, a 65 year old would have been completely lost on an eSignature.

Now, its like second nature to most 65 year olds.

I just sat down with a couple in their early 80s. They dont want anything email or electronic. Today Im meeting with someone age 72 and he is great with eSignatures.

Now, I dont work the MAPD market. But the seniors I deal with are for the most part, very capable to complete an online form or eSignature.

I feel like education level/ntelligence is more important than age

Have late 70s using smart phone apps to check product eligibility for otc ssbci food

Then again I have 3 out of 10 DSNP not even be able to apply for extra help. I regret it often just having them apply themselves.

Depends on their education level and IQ or whether they have cognitive impairments.