Trump Proposes No Tax on SSA Benefits for Seniors

A reason we need controlled immigration.
we do need better immigration policy but....

illegal's are not collecting SS however it is very common for illegals' to work on fake SS numbers and pay in to FICA they can never can collect on.

It is also very common for white self employed maga ham and eggers to not report income then when they t65 they get Medicaid to to pay for their medicare that they didn't pay their fair share for while they were working.I have enough clients like this to populate a whole trailer park and almost all of them love them some trump.
we do need better immigration policy but....

illegal's are not collecting SS however it is very common for illegals' to work on fake SS numbers and pay in to FICA they can never can collect on.

It is also very common for white self employed maga ham and eggers to not report income then when they t65 they get Medicaid to to pay for their medicare that they didn't pay their fair share for while they were working.I have enough clients like this to populate a whole trailer park and almost all of them love them some trump.

"but...." - Look man, I am one of those dirty uneducated Americans you guys detest, until you need our vote, however I think your 'but' got in the way of your period. The immigration policy was 'let them all in, we may sort it out later'.
It is broken.

Best way to stop illegals from committing social security fraud is to stop illegals from becoming illegals.

So it is just White Maga voters? And of course in your superiority you are labeling the working class. Why do you choose to profit from these ham and eggers you have so much disdain for? The Democrats used to champion the working man and woman. Not so much any longer. Talk to them. Not the Union bosses, the rank and file.

With your superiority could you explain, dumbing it down of course, why so many non Whiteys switch and voted Trump or voted by not voting? I mean after all you gave them Joe Biden. And he has a long and documented history of a certain fondest for the supremacist side. Heck, he even gave them a half Black woman that no one wanted as a token VP. That's a savior right there.

The reality is, Trump1, was the result of eight years of Obama Biden policies and your DNC dictating to you to vote for the highly unpopular Hillary Clinton. A non politician Trump beating the very definition of a life long Democrat politician. With a well oiled political machine. I was pushing for Marco Rubio (R) I voted L

Biden Harris, squeaked by Trump?. I think mainly due to his mouth. I think Trump beat Trump. My pick in the Primaries was Tulsi Gabbard (D) I voted L

Then, Biden Harris Harris Waltz. OMG!?! FUBAR! Sleepy was hidden in his basement during most of it. Then hid for four years. With Peppermint Patty and that curtly haired girl doing 'Joe's at the top of his game' briefings, tell me that was not Treason. I think Brandon's low ratings were only second to Word Salad's.
Edit: I wanted DeSantis (R) Voted grudgingly Trump.

I really had hope that the Left would have some introspection and listen to their own people. Dump the Liberal vocal minority, get back to your roots. Then I watched the DNC leadership convention and the leaders you picked. <palm slap>.
Do better.

All the swing states and a bunch of defections coming.

I am interested to see how JD evolves.

And yeah, Trump can be a , wait, no, no, is a dick.
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"but...." - Look man, I am one of those dirty uneducated Americans you guys detest, until you need our vote, however I think your 'but' got in the way of your period. The immigration policy was 'let them all in, we may sort it out later'.
It is broken.

Best way to stop illegals from committing social security fraud is to stop illegals from becoming illegals.

So it is just White Maga voters? And of course in your superiority you are labeling the working class. Why do you choose to profit from these ham and eggers you have so much disdain for? The Democrats used to champion the working man and woman. Not so much any longer. Talk to them. Not the Union bosses, the rank and file.

With your superiority could you explain, dumbing it down of course, why so many non Whiteys switch and voted Trump or voted by not voting? I mean after all you gave them Joe Biden. And he has a long and documented history of a certain fondest for the supremacist side. Heck, he even gave them a half Black woman that no one wanted as a token VP. That's a savior right there.

The reality is, Trump1, was the result of eight years of Obama Biden policies and your DNC dictating to you to vote for the highly unpopular Hillary Clinton. A non politician Trump beating the very definition of a life long Democrat politician. With a well oiled political machine. I was pushing for Marco Rubio (R) I voted L

Biden Harris, squeaked by Trump?. I think mainly due to his mouth. I think Trump beat Trump. My pick in the Primaries was Tulsi Gabbard (D) I voted L

Then, Biden Harris Harris Waltz. OMG!?! FUBAR! Sleepy was hidden in his basement during most of it. Then hid for four years. With Peppermint Patty and that curtly haired girl doing 'Joe's at the top of his game' briefings, tell me that was not Treason. I think Brandon's low ratings were only second to Word Salad's.
Edit: I wanted DeSantis (R) Voted grudgingly Trump.

I really had hope that the Left would have some introspection and listen to their own people. Dump the Liberal vocal minority, get back to your roots. Then I watched the DNC leadership convention and the leaders you picked. <palm slap>.
Do better.

All the swing states and a bunch of defections coming.

I am interested to see how JD evolves.

And yeah, Trump can be a , wait, no, no, is a dick.

FYI I am white male conservative .MAGA was set on course by one of the worst humans in history Rush Limbaugh and the tea party and a backlash to having a black president for 8 years and the demographic trend towards the browning of america.the archie bunkers want to go back the the good ole days of the the 1950's when girls were girls and men were men and white guys like me had it made.....

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FYI I am white male conservative .MAGA was set on course by one of the worst humans in history Rush Limbaugh and the tea party and a backlash to having a black president for 8 years and the demographic trend towards the browning of america.the archie bunkers want to go back the the good ole days of the the 1950's when girls were girls and men were men and white guys like me had it made.....

You're a principled man.. cheers
FYI I am white male conservative .MAGA was set on course by one of the worst humans in history Rush Limbaugh and the tea party and a backlash to having a black president for 8 years and the demographic trend towards the browning of america.the archie bunkers want to go back the the good ole days of the the 1950's when girls were girls and men were men and white guys like me had it made.....

'FYI I am white male conservative'. I'm not.

FYI, I personally don't care if you are a Purple Eunuch, a Black Female or Brown Hybrid.
MAGA - I'm not MAGA. Nor do I consider myself a Conservative. I am an independent thinker. I consider myself Center Right. Today. An Anti War Hawk.
Limbaugh- I have never been a fan. Is he still relevant or even alive?
Tea Party - I liked some of the ideas but not what appeared to be the racial tone. I own a Gadsden flag.
Obama - the first half Black president, raised by liberal middle class white women in Hawaii. DNC wasn't going to go full Black. Actually I liked Harold Ford Jr at that DNC convention. But, McCain all the way. Obama was just a done nothing pretty check the box candidate. White Liberals elected Obama and Blacks voting Race. And I believe Girls are Girls and Men are Men. And yeah, in the past you started higher on the ladder. Key words, the past.

If the Democrat Party ever grew a set, dumped the wack a doodle Liberal Progressives factions they may stop bleeding adult voters.

Oh, and stop that silly Superior Elite fallacy. Frat boy circle jerk. Consuming each other's love. The more they question other's intelligence the more they show the deficiency in their make up.

All IMohsoHO
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If the Democrat Party ever grew a set, dumped the wack a doodle Liberal Progressives factions they may stop bleeding adult voters.
Dems lost the election by 0.7%. You should be happy about those wack a doodles otherwise the current wack a doodle wouldn't be president.
It's about taxes guy. Last time I checked you pay taxes on all of those things too.

Exactly. All of them get hit with FICA.

And if someone is high income, why do they need an income tax break on funds they never paid income taxes on? That goes against conservative economic principals.

Low income folks, sure, give them an income tax break.... kind of like the existing income tax break they had for decades.