Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

Funny how the Left always accuses the Right of what they're doing themselves. Part of the game plan.

Dude you have it exactly backwards. That has been Trump's playbook from the 70's. He learned it from Roy Cohn.

Trump has a long history of being a racist, liar, and utter failure at business who lost all of the millions he inherited from his daddy and has been living his "billionaire" lifestyle by borrowing from Russian banks for decades. He was on the bankruptcy train again when Mark Burnett rescued him via the apprentice.

GOP is now the party of fascism while accusing the Dems of the same.
It doesn't matter though. Trump is going down Bigly.

The whole "Trump Surge" is more fabricated than was the phony "Red Wave" in 2022 when the GOP was going to win 50 house seats from the Dems and win a filibuster proof senate majority.

The GOP is just trying to keep the smoke and mirrors going through election day so that when Harris beats his a$$ Trump he once again cry election fraud and you bozos can plant stop the steal" signs in your yards.

This time, however, when the day comes to certify the election, the US Army will be waiting for the Maga Mob so that there will not be a repeat of Jan 6.
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