Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

Hurricane season runs June 1st - Nov 30th.
I guess that you would consider late in the season being
December 1st.
I think Trump confused it with his golf season, although that typically lasts 365 days a year. But yup, he's just an average relatable dude who understands the problems facing the average citizen.....when pigs fly.
We’re still waiting on Trumps healthcare plan. For Mexico to pay for the wall. He promised us.
Still waiting for Democrats to admit that Democrat-created Obamacare is absolute dogshit. After all, if it wasn't, this thread wouldn't have even been created. The same way they sabotaged under-65 insurance, they're now doing the same thing to Medicare. But hey, you don't even need to take my word for it, just listen to Cackling Kamala "Heels-UP!" Harris on the topic of health insurance......"We need to do away with that. We need to move past that..."
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