Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

Nobody ever took Biden serious, not 4 yrs ago, 10 yrs ago or 40 yrs ago, he has the same amount of respect with his colleagues as Kamala, the Dems just need someone in office that they can control!

It is sad that people will vote for this farce, of course we are dealing with the mentality of someone thinking that if Biden steps down now, that we elect someone for one month! 🤣
However, you are correct. He is a lame duck. Not sure who is in charge currently.
Like all good leaders, responsibilities are delegated to the experts in each department. Biden didn't fire all his experts, nor did they resign in disgust or embarrassment. And believe it or not, Trump doesn't know jack poop about fission, metallurgy, social sciences, geography, military planning, meteorology, biology or 1000's of other things. He's not even capable of flying a Cessna let alone an F35. But using your logic, we'd all be walking around with a lightbulb up our backsides and covid free.
It must hurt to see DJT stock up 100% in a couple weeks.
Follow the money.........and you'll know who is the projected winner.
A month ago it was $18.62. Today it was at $24.12, down from it's 6M peak of $50.39. Kinda obvious you attended the MAGA School of Mathematics.