Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

Funny how the cult dismisses the opinion of people they held in high regard prior to speaking out against Trump.

Some of the best Generals and military minds of our generation tell us Trump is a Fascist... tell us he is dangerous.... and it has zero impact.

Yet the same group claim they are patriots and back the troops and want the best for our democracy.

But somehow they refuse to see that Trump is following Hitlers play book almost to a tee.

They just cheer him on with every fascist and bigoted comment he makes.

But we definitely cant vote for a black woman who started her law career by jailing more pedophiles than any DA previously in her position. Apparently that woman is somehow a retard who is dangerous to the US
As they say and I totally believe when dealing with most, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder as they refuse to acknowledge realities and proven facts, and if you state any such realities and proven facts, they call you a bigot, transphobe, xenophobe, racist, etc. They're also forcing everyone else to normalize mental illness and deviance, or else accuse us of hate speech and intolerance. Another all-too-common trait among liberals, is claiming to be tolerant and open-minded, but acting far from tolerant and open-minded when your opinions, beliefs, etc., differ from theirs