@ newt: underwriting does NOTHING to control the costs that underlie procedure costs. The dollar cost for a given procedure and utilization of more expensive procedures continues to out pace inflation. Underwriting only excludes some people from having coverage or results in higher premiums for those with health issues (ie higher EXPECTED claims).
I have a friend that had a stroke 15 yrs ago at age 48. He has good stats (BP, weight, exercises hard multiple times /week (weights, bicycle, swimming, yoga)). I wrote a husband/wife group contract under the old rules because he couldn't pass individual underwriting. He has had almost $0 claims in the last 15 yrs.
He has money and is currently paying annual premiums of $12,000 for the lowest premium plan available. I checked BCBST, UHC, Humana, Cigna & Aetna. Ded is $5,200, OOP is $6,400 x2 family.
So far, I've seen absolutely Zero suggestions anywhere that would control underlying claims costs, only some proposals that shift costs from the carrier and ultimatey premiums to the insured.
@SCagnt, I hope you understood the sarcasm. I like nothing about Cruze. I've heard nothing of value come from him and he is what my Yiddish speaking friends call a Bermal Pischer who wears his religion on his sleeve with many people voting for him for that reason alone. Bermal is "holy water". You can get the rest from context.
I have a friend that had a stroke 15 yrs ago at age 48. He has good stats (BP, weight, exercises hard multiple times /week (weights, bicycle, swimming, yoga)). I wrote a husband/wife group contract under the old rules because he couldn't pass individual underwriting. He has had almost $0 claims in the last 15 yrs.
He has money and is currently paying annual premiums of $12,000 for the lowest premium plan available. I checked BCBST, UHC, Humana, Cigna & Aetna. Ded is $5,200, OOP is $6,400 x2 family.
So far, I've seen absolutely Zero suggestions anywhere that would control underlying claims costs, only some proposals that shift costs from the carrier and ultimatey premiums to the insured.
@SCagnt, I hope you understood the sarcasm. I like nothing about Cruze. I've heard nothing of value come from him and he is what my Yiddish speaking friends call a Bermal Pischer who wears his religion on his sleeve with many people voting for him for that reason alone. Bermal is "holy water". You can get the rest from context.