Trumps Numbers in Toilet- People Must Be Missing Hillary

Time to kill the electoral college. Those *** framers were clueless and had no idea how things should work. And the 2 senators per state thing, ridiculous. Why does Rhode Island get the same number of states as California? This country's political system was set up by a bunch of idiots.

I didn't mean any of what I just wrote in that first paragraph, I just thought orange needed a little cheering up.

But Al Gore did:

Al Gore to Bill Maher: It's time to abolish the Electoral College
Sure, that's why you, Hillary, and your ilk argue that those are the only states that count and you should continue to ignore the flyover states and call them deplorables.

Stay with that strategy and pay no attention to electoral votes. Double down. Show the country who is in charge- again.

It works both ways. The republicans often put our urban centers down, especially on the coasts, but these areas overwhelmingly are the biggest economic areas in our nation. I live in the most productive region in the entire world. Yet we get told our values are not American values because we are more inclusive and educated but the right wing voters have no problem taking our money.
It works both ways. The republicans often put our urban centers down, especially on the coasts, but these areas overwhelmingly are the biggest economic areas in our nation. I live in the most productive region in the entire world. Yet we get told our values are not American values because we are more inclusive and educated but the right wing voters have no problem taking our money.

