UCT has a great lead program

I really hate to see this thread die.

I'm still waiting for Mary to tell us why Continental Care is such a good policy for Home Health Care. Why she recommends it to everyone she sells either a Med Supp or Advantage Plan to, for Home Health Care, and what she sees in it that we don't.
OK now i am being called greedy...

what you have to realize is this -- and this is my whole point...

i could be selling physicians mutual medicare supplements at 141 a pop -- i could sell them all day here in wyoming -- because it is a well known name...

but i am selling UCT at 77 a pop -- the most they go up is 141 when they are 99 years old... -- so their out of pocket for the year is a little under 1k -- again plan f does not include home health... -- or i could offer them plan g -- then they would have the deductable and the out of pocket...
either way -- with the continental care plan -- 25 a month out of pocket for them -- if they do go in the hospital -- they get their 1k back -- that they payed in to the medsup -- and of course it regenerates itself every 60 days like medicare -- it also pays in addition to what medsups and advantage plans do -- so if they do break their hip -- off they go to the hospital, then a nursing home and then they need a home health nurse...
this way everything is paid and they get their monies back... i'm not saying its for everyone.. but i will tell you what -- i have already had 2 clients use it and they are enjoying their free year of medicare sup insurance with their check for 1125 dollars....

keep an open and mind -- and also they are paying about 100 a month for both policies -- less than a normal medsup...

so if you think that is overinsured then that is your opinion..

and also keep this in mind -- they are changing soon on how much medicare is paying -- didnt they say it could go to 75% next year instead of 80% -- will the sup companies cover everything?
this at least gives them a little comfort..

Yes, the supps will cover it, and honestly I would probably report anyone to the DOI who I caught telling or insinuating to customers that it might not cover it.

A supp adjusts every year to compensate for changes in Medicare. That's why it will pay the Part A deductible even though it goes up every year. However, if Medicare goes from 80/20 to 75/25 you can bet that Supp rates will be going up.
Kyle, you are exactly correct.

Mary, you need to educate yourself about Med Supp policies and the benefits provided by Medicare.

You stated that Plan F does not provide Home Health Care, twice. I'm sitting here looking at the benefits provided by Medicare Part B. This is not a benefit that is only provided by some Med Supp policies and not others. It is a benefit provided by Medicare. It states in the "Medicare and You" guide book, 2006 edition on page 7 the following,

"Home Health Care: Limited to reasonable and necessary part-time or intermittent skilled nursing care and home health aide services as well as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language services that are ordered by your doctor and provided by a Medicare-certified home health agency. Also includes medical social services, durable medical equipment (Such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, oxygen, and walkers), medical supplies, and other services."

If that isn't Home Health care what do you call it? Sure sounds like Home Health Care to me.

Plans D & G provide "At Home Recovery" as well as "Home Health Care". At Home Recovery is not readily available unless the person has been cut off Medicare Home Health Care. Are you really telling your clients that they can receive both Home Health Care and At Home Recovery at the same time and that they also need additional coverage? If so then where is he "gap" in home health care that isn't filled by Medicare and a Med Supp policy?

You better call the insurance company and ask them when a policy holder can use the "At Home Recovery" benefit because I don't think you know.

In my opinion anyone who sells any kind of additional coverage to a person on Medicare who also has a Medicare Supplement Policy is only looking to line their pockets.

The combination of Medicare and a Medicare Supplement Policy will pay all of their medical expenses. The only exception will be the Part B deductible if they don't have either Plan C or F. (Neither of which I could recommend with a clear conscious unless Plans C or F were substantially less expensive than either a D or G.) Especially since you said Plan G was only $55 per month in WY.

You really think you are saving people money, or are you convincing they they can make money by selling them additional coverage that they pay a monthly premium for? Wow, they really do do things differently in WY.

The agents I know here in Missouri would not use scare tactics to load a client with additional policies to cover fictitious expenses that would not be covered by Medicare and a Medicare Supplement Policy.

Regarding Med Supp Policies you stated the following in previous posts:

Mary, you posted on 2/6/07 at 7:27 pm the following.
i understand that i am in wyoming and it is different in every state -- that is certainly a very big difference in prices everywhere ---

"my thing is if -- a senior is paying 300 dollars a month for a medsup -- that is 3600 a year -- when you have a max out of pocket per year with a medadvantage plan is 3k --- and if you are their to help your senior along -- if they need help with doctors offices etc etc -- my feeling is that -- thats my job"

Mary, you also posted on 3/8/07 at 4:15 pm the following.
"you can get a part f plan here in wyoming for 79 dollars a month
a part g i believe is 55 --either part f or part g -- I would still supplement it with the care product -- it pays home health care where as part f does not -- so if you sign a customer up for the care plan with a part g product -- it can also take care of that deductable...." (Refer again to the above statement from the Medicare Guide book regarding the Home Health Care provided by Medicare.)

That is a huge difference in the premiums for Med Supp policies. In a month Med Supp policies went from $300 per month to only $55 per month.

Why would you sell them an MA plan with a $3,000 out of pocket max when they can buy a Med Supp Plan G for only $55 per month and have all their expenses covered with no out of pocket max except the $131 Medicare Part B deductible? I repeat, there is no need for additional policies with Medicare and a Med Supp policy.

Not to pile on or anything :goofy: but what about when Mary posted her Part C and D marketing materials a while back and then demonstrated a total lack of disregard when advised by nearly every Senior agent on this board that they were not CMS complaint?
I definitely don't know the Wyoming area, but according to the Medicare website, there are 21 carriers that offer Plan D in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Now I understand that the Medicare website may have some inaccurate information, but I doubt very seriously they have inaccurate information on 21 carriers.

And as for saying things differently in Wyoming, the judge and jury don't care.

All I heard in your post to Kyle was justification for what others see as borderline greed and abuse. Kyle was simply pointing out some areas where you could improve. It's called constructive criticism. And then you get defensive when someone points it out. If you sleep well at night knowingly doing business that way, more power to you. I love when I come across an agent who has done something similar to what you're doing. It turns out to be a pretty easy sale for me.

I'm from down here in Loosiana but when presenting plans, I go by the terms that are outlined in the Outline of Coverage. I don't care whether it's in Wyoming or not, At-Home care is NOT Home Health care. Wyoming lingo or not, I'm sure CMS would be quite interested to know that Mary is telling Medicare beneficiaries that Medicare does not cover Home Health Care if that is indeed what she is doing.

This is the kind of stuff that ends up in the newspapers and gives the whole industry a black eye.
Not to pile on or anything :goofy: but what about when Mary posted her Part C and D marketing materials a while back and then demonstrated a total lack of disregard when advised by nearly every Senior agent on this board that they were not CMS complaint?

Not to mention she was using the wrong terms.
I'm from down here in Loosiana but when presenting plans, I go by the terms that are outlined in the Outline of Coverage. I don't care whether it's in Wyoming or not, At-Home care is NOT Home Health care. Wyoming lingo or not, I'm sure CMS would be quite interested to know that Mary is telling Medicare beneficiaries that Medicare does not cover Home Health Care if that is indeed what she is doing.

This is the kind of stuff that ends up in the newspapers and gives the whole industry a black eye.

If she was telling us that then you know she is telling prospects that. She said that is how she is convincing them to buy the Continental Care policy which she said she is earning a 50% commission on. Where are the ethics in doing that?

I've read her other posts also, like the one where she said she was doing 10 appointments a day, presenting Med Supp, LTC, final expense and annuities and making $12,000 in commission from those ten appointments and imply that she can do that all the time.

Who out there can do ten good, informative presentations a day to seniors on multiple products? If you can I want to ride along with you. It takes me an average of `1:45 minutes to present a Med Supp and do it right.

I think she just kind of makes things up as she goes along. As far as I am concerned there isn't very much credibility there. It appears that she doesn't even know the basics of the products she is selling let alone the proper names of them.

To tell prospects that Med Supp policies do not cover Home Health Care and tell them that the Continental Care plan does and they need to pay an additional premium for that policy is unconsciounsable.
It takes me an average of `1:45 minutes to present a Med Supp and do it right.
I feel ashamed that I am sometimes in and out in an hour now. Frank you must do a bang up job with your clients. It is good to ask ourselves, "would I like me as my own agent?" An informed client is a happy and long term client.

To tell prospects that Med Supp policies do not cover Home Health Care and tell them that the Continental Care plan does and they need to pay an additional premium for that policy is unconsciounsable.

man, how long did it take you to type that word out, Frank? :D U-N-C-O-N-S-C-I-O-N-A-B-L-E
I feel ashamed that I am sometimes in and out in an hour now. Frank you must do a bang up job with your clients. It is good to ask ourselves, "would I like me as my own agent?" An informed client is a happy and long term client.

man, how long did it take you to type that word out, Frank? :D U-N-C-O-N-S-C-I-O-N-A-B-L-E

Apparently not long enough since I didn't spell it correctly. Thank God I'm better at selling than I am at spelling. I'd really be in trouble if I sold like I spell. :D
Apparently not long enough since I didn't spell it correctly. Thank God I'm better at selling than I am at spelling. I'd really be in trouble if I sold like I spell. :D

I can spell, I just wish I could sell like Mary does! :skeptical: