UHC Earnings Call / Exchange Talk


5000 Post Club
Gonna be 600k enrollees now that agents are gonna push a ton of biz there way with the recent market landscape changes in certain key states (hint)


The company has already enrolled more than 400,000 people in individual exchange QHP coverage this year.

The 2015 open enrollment period started Nov. 15 and is set to end Feb. 15. Earlier, UnitedHealth executives were suggesting that the company might get 400,000 to 500,000 2015 QHP enrollees. Jeff Alter, head of the commercial health insurance business, said he now thinks the company could end up with 500,000 QHP enrollees.

He said the company still hopes to get a profit margin of about 1 percent to 2 percent from the exchange QHP business, without any reliance on the PPACA risk-management programs, and he said the company is hoping to eventually get profit margins of 3 percent to 5 percent from the exchange QHP business.

The company expects the small-group market to continue to decline, but for the same reason it's been declining since the 1990s, not because of PPACA, Alter said.
But the topic of private exchanges did not come up during the UnitedHealth earnings call, and the company executives mentioned agents, brokers and consultants only once, during a discussion of the Optum uni