UIG - United Insurance Group


New Member
Can anybody give me information on this company? Are they a good company for someone new to the business to start with? Thanks
Can anybody give me information on this company? Are they a good company for someone new to the business to start with? Thanks

My guess is that like all things, it's all "local." Last MA season I went to a group recruiting session in my locality held by a UIG office. I won't comment because I don't want to be sued... but when it was over I ran out of there as fast and as far as I could.


The Jackass
I think these guys are headquartered in Miford, MI. I live nearby. Could you elaborate on why you ran out? I'd rather not waste my time if it's a joke.
I was just thinking of a way to enter the senior market field. I think they are captive, though
I know a lot of agents who like and dislike this house. It's a matter of relationship blocks like anything. I personally like this house. I have to get on some of the girls at times to help me, but certain people know me there and when I can get them on the phone, they are very instrumental to my needs.

I am indy; I cannot speak of the captive side. Sorry.

I've worked with them for many years. They're a pretty good group. I'm independent also. You might want to see what they offer you by going captive, if you're really new it might be worth the lower commissions to start...just to get the training, leads, etc. Maybe later on go independent
United Insurance Group

Does anyone know if United Insurance Group is a good company to work with? I've been getting emails from them about opportunities with them as a "medicare enroller". I'd appreciate any insights you could give me.
