Unable to Write ROP Policies Over 75 in Missouri? Need Some Suggestions

Can't write immediate on her, she doesn't qualify because she had a combination of stroke and diabetes. At least I thought that yes to question 4 disqualifies her from immediate and allows only for ROP. Problem is like I was saying in the 1st post, ROP in Missouri does not go past 75 for AmAm.

I haven't looked at an AmAm app in quite some time. If that's what it says you can't write it. Look at the other companies mentioned.
iamnewtothis said:
My god, my manager is just so sub-par. The guy hardly helped me or answered any of my questions. He has absolutely no advice for the 85 year old lady. He basically said to me to go figure it out myself. I really don't know how to handle this one. Does anyone out there know what company (other than Monumental because I can't contract with them just yet) that I can use to cover this lady?

If she doesn't smoke I would look at 5-Star.

Oxford may also be a good option.

American Memorial works and will have the lowest premium but also lower commission at that age.
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Why are you under a manager that can't help you? Fire them.
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i think most guarantee issue is ROP for the first 2 or 3 years. and then full benefit afterwards?

I'm not too familiar with it though.
Geez, I am not sure what to do. I am not contracted with any of these companies yet and my appointment with this lady is in a few hours. I think I am just kind of screwed on this one :/
i thought most companies will get you licensed with an application? so you dont need to be licensed before hand?

just that you will be stuck with whatever commission they offer.
If she doesn't smoke I would look at 5-Star.

Oxford may also be a good option.

American Memorial works and will have the lowest premium but also lower commission at that age.
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Why are you under a manager that can't help you? Fire them.
He is contracted through Securus - the one that returns calls at their convenience - no wonder. His cons are the reasons I pulled the plug on them before I completed any contracting.
iamnewtothis said:
Well, it would be the only option as far as American Amicable is concerned IF they would allow me to write one over the age of 75. Had I been able to write her, she would have to stay alive for another 2 years for the full death benefit to kick in. I guess its better than having no insurance, no options, and nothing for her family to fall back on once the time comes. If she does not survive 2 more years, her family still does receive the premiums she did pay + 10% interest. So I don't think it's a total waste and there's always a chance she could live well past that 2 year mark and be fully covered.

Ahh yes I didn't catch that you were familiar with term, ROP is different for final expense. The difference between the two is mainly that the potential insured is paying a premium in hopes of surviving the 2 waiting period till the full benefits kick in as opposed to the case of a death within 2 years of taking out the policy where their beneficiary only receives the total of premiums paid + 10% interest..

I think the term you are looking for is "Modified" and not ROP. The modified wl policy during the first 2 or 3 years will pay premiums plus for a natural death.
I think the term you are looking for is "Modified" and not ROP. The modified wl policy during the first 2 or 3 years will pay premiums plus for a natural death.

Some companies call it modified, some even call their ROP "graded". The terminology is not a big deal as long as you know what he product does or doesn't do.
iamnewtothis said:
Geez, I am not sure what to do. I am not contracted with any of these companies yet and my appointment with this lady is in a few hours. I think I am just kind of screwed on this one :/

You really need to get an upline that helps you with this sort of stuff.

American Memorial was your answer. You can write it before contracting. Killer rates for an 85-year old. Will accept her health.
well, securus doesnt work with american memorial so I am just out of the loop on this one... it doesnt matter its too late haha

does anyone know what my best bet would be to qualify a 78 yr old lady who had a quad bypass 18 months ago?