Unique Case. Need Input


I specialize in group and Indy Health along with Medicare. I do write Life Insurance and Annuities if it comes my way. I am not the expert when it comes to Annuities and that's why I am here.

I have a 63 year old client who resides in California and has major health issues with an Oxford HMO (New York) health policy. He was a referral for health insurance and an annuity. I contacted Oxford Health in New York to see if we can modify the policy's network to a PPO or POS so he can receive treatment. Oxford stated he cannot change network until June 2013. So he has 5 1/2 months to go before he can change networks to receive treatment in California. I advised him to go back to New York if his condition worsens to receive treatment. He does has financial exposure if he stays in California and ends up in the hospital.

He has an (New York) Irrevocable trust with around 165K that he wants to invest into a fixed or a fixed index annuity (non-qualified funds). He also has a few savings accounts with a sum of 60K. He is married and his wife is 52 years old and is on disability. They have around $3500 per month income coming in from Social Security and small pension. He would like to build his trust conservatively but still have access to the money as it builds. What are your suggestions? I am assuming some annuities have riders that would allow Return of Premium? I have also have spoken with his attorney in California that is looking at the New York trust to see if it will hold water with California Law.
He'll want to get the annuity before moving back to NY as there are no indexed annuities comparable in that fine state.

There are several ROP annuities out there. Is he suggesting a need to possibly access this trust money for immediate medical reasons?
He'll want to get the annuity before moving back to NY as there are no indexed annuities comparable in that fine state.

There are several ROP annuities out there. Is he suggesting a need to possibly access this trust money for immediate medical reasons?

He doesn't have any intention on moving back to New York. I advised him if his condition worsens or if there is a chance he needs to be hospiitlized that he needs to get on a plane to NY for treatment or he will go broke in a CA hospital. Of the ROP annuities available, would he have access to the funds in the first year? Yes he would feel more comfortable having access to the funds for medical reasons or any other type of an emergency financial situation. What length of contract would you suggest? Thanks for your help.
He has an (New York) Irrevocable trust with around 165K that he wants to invest into a fixed or a fixed index annuity (non-qualified funds). He also has a few savings accounts with a sum of 60K. He would like to build his trust conservatively but still have access to the money as it builds. What are your suggestions? I am assuming some annuities have riders that would allow Return of Premium? I have also have spoken with his attorney in California that is looking at the New York trust to see if it will hold water with California Law.

What is the irrevocable trust currently invested in?

Can he make changes to the trust since it is "irrevocable"?
What is the irrevocable trust currently invested in?

Can he make changes to the trust since it is "irrevocable"?

I am not sure where the money is invested in. His attorney told me it shouldn't be a problem modifying the trust. It is a New York Trust and his California attorney is looking at the language of the trust to see if it complies with California Law as being irrevocable.

Word to the wise. If you have an HMO health insurance policy and plan on moving to another state. Do yourself a favor and plan ahead accordingly to make sure your coverage follows you.
An annuity to consider might be Great American Safe Return
Leave the $60k in savings
The Safe Return has ROP, and it also has an income rider/death benefit rider 8% simple interest for 12 years guarantee. So, If he needs the money he can get to it, if he needs income he can have it, and best of all if he passes away his wife gets a death benefit. Do not count on the indexes to make any money. This would be a benefit and liquidity play for the client. You might even consider splitting the $165k into two accounts one with Great American and the other part with a strong benefit annuity with death benefit option, home health care, and income options. Just thoughts. There is other options as well. Thinking benefits and guarantees here (conservative).

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