United of Omaha

JD, you are doing it the right way. I just hope agents aren't sending them to MOO just for the name itself while loosing out on a good client relationship. Gleanor is my go to company unless they don't qualify. I feel MOO is playing sneaky tricks by offering this product and not giving their agents the proper tools to succeed. If it wasn't for the name, I would never have them in my toolbox and will never refer them business or even mention the name unless somebody says they have them or would like to be with MOO. (regardless of what rate they are offering). It is a 2 year suck it in but don't say it policy much like what Coloinal Penns ads are on TV. Lets get Alex Trebek and all is good. A good agent should always explain a policy for what it is.

I agree with what you are doing JD, I just can't recommend it regardless of what the rate is.

I agree with your thoughts about companies that compete with their own agents. I would never support a company that doesn't support me.

But JD is doing them damage. It's not helping them.