Universal Health Care

The biggest example of the gov't enacting a law that was simply horrendous was prohibition. Obviously we know that got yanked. Universal health would be the exact same thing. Even if enacted it would be so horrendous it would be yanked back. Go ahead and let the upper-middle class have to actually wait for treatment and the US Senate would be stormed. Can you picture Bill Gates and Donald Trump having to wait 2 months for lab testing?
I think it could possibly get to the point of passage... what will kill it. Telling America their personal income tax brackets will rise 15-20%...
You mean it not "free health care" ?

Are Americans willing to live with a base tax bracket of 50% in order to use healthcare without "cost"?

Nobody like insurance company executives, myself included. However, National healthcare will not reduce claims, delivery costs or the number of people involved in the system. It will actually become more expensive rather than less.
LOL - they will simply end up passing a law that makes it illegal to get sick. Problem solved! Then they will pat each other on the back, vote for another pay raise and go on vacation.

Sort of like the magic invisible border fence. Seems like anyone who crosses over the magic fence becomes invisible - therefore, if we don't see them, they don't exist. Problem solved again!
I personally don't think a Democrat will be elected in 2008 but even if that happens (GULP), I think that UHC has no chance of becoming a reality here in the US. As someone earlier mentioned, people who truly can't afford it have options through state and national programs, so really it's just about covering those who choose not to buy it because they spend their $$ elsewhere.

If everyone who could afford Major Medical coverage actually bought it, premiums/costs would decrease and there would be no need to even consider a Universal system. Take a look at the Motor Vehicle department and multiply that by 100 and imagine the mess UHC would bring...does anyone really want that?