UW After Sept 23rd

John, don't you know? They draw the blood in Giza, but the EKG is done in Gaza. Also, you have to walk between the two. The carriers figure it will really cut down on those with pre-existing conditions.
Back in the 80's, I wrote health insurance through a company called American Western Life. They were declared insolvent in 1997.
I wrote a health insurance policy on a husband/wife. Four days after the policy is approved, the wife is diagnosed with cancer. This was her first visit to this physician that made the diagnosis..
Of course, this all seemed a little fishy to the ins co.
American Western Life requested medical records from the physician. The new patient medical history forms showed this woman to be in perfect health with no prior medical history.
American Western Life, armed with a copy of the "authorization to release medical records", hired a team of investigators. These investigators fanned out and visited every physicians office within a 10 mile radius of this womens home. The investigators were able to find a physician that had diagnosed cancer the previous month prior to approval. The policy was rescinded. Additionally, American Western Life handed this case over to the local DA for prosecution.

Interesting, thanks for posting.