Vanishing Clients and Money??

I have lost several hundred deals that way.

Everytime you write a new client -ASSUME that your NPN will be lost in transmission. Or even by the carrier (conveniently).

Here are 3 steps to insure that you will always get paid.

1. Get a broker of record signed when signing the client up.
2. Track your client on a 3 way call with you aand the marketplace and get verbal permission to speak on his behalf for 1 year.
3. Track your business and if you don't ghet paid call the Insurance Carrier or The Marketplace and see what happened and if you have been taken off . . .
Send your BOR in and start getting paid again.

If you don't have that BOR signed and the right to speak for the Client then you are SOL.

Take this form someone who has lost hundreds of deal like this. But never again.
This sort of thing wouldn't happen if the health insurance carriers didn't hold their own agents in contempt. Thankfully, life insurance companies [mostly] seem to actually appreciate their independent agents.