Vector/Getting Back into Insurance


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I was out of the field for years and then got back in. I applied with a FE/Mortgage protection company only to find out I had a vector. Broke, I couldn't come up with the scratch to pay it off (it's not a substantial one and no, they will not accept payments).

One company, which I won't name, agreed to take me on. My plan was to use the money I earned to pay off the vector and go with my preferred company. There are several local people making money with this company and I have strong sales skills.

First group of leads no problem. Second group was an issue because they didn't have any fresh ones in the their suggested area, but there were some "slightly aged" leads nearby. I had a decent run with that batch. Third group? There were no leads in the areas I was familiar with, but there were some in towns "X" and "Y". Turns out the reason why these leads are still available is because people in these areas have no money.

My up line, not local, trying to work with me, offered new leads. He/she looked at the leads they had and directed me toward a cluster of leads that were available in an area two hours away. Turns out, this further area was even poorer than the area fifteen minutes away from my house. How do I know the areas suck? A local veteran agent who works for the company said so. One of the company's top producers is from the distant area and even she said she doesn't get her money through the leads. My up line is trying to figure out a solution, but I think it's time to bail.

Does anyone have a non-snarky suggestion on how I get out of this mess? Is there a company that will work with me that isn't clueless?
It sounds like you are working with a group that is supplying leads to you. That's probably your first mistake. You're relying on someone to supply leads to you that obviously can't. You have limited yourself.
Market LegalShield memberships to businesses as a group benefit. Use that money to pay down your vector. Of course I won't ask how much it is but it's an option.

You can market with a field trainer until you are comfortable being on your own and then go from there.

Take a look and make a business decision.. Yes or No.