Vermont Approves Single-Payer Health Care: ‘Everybody In, Nobody Out’

There goes 626000 people contributing to the system. Good job, Vermont--you are now helping drive up insurance costs across the nation.

I wonder what is meant by a 'slight increase in taxes'?

So when my wife needs her other hip replaced, we can just take a quick trip to Vermont and have their taxpayers cover the bill. Thanks, Vermont!
So, if there are no for profit physicians or hospitals, who's going to be left to take care of them? This is so dumb. I agree that we need to work on controlling health care costs, but trying to cover everyone under non-profit providers by using a ton of federal and state tax dollars isn't the answer. I wish people would wake up and really think about these things.

The best doctors will choose to practice/work elsewhere. They won't, and don't have to, accept less money for their services.

The hospitals will slowly deteriorate. From quality of personnel and medical equipment, to screws coming out of the beds and walls becoming dingy due to lack of maintenance, everything will deteriorate.

I don't think this "experiment" by one state will work so well when the statistics comparing the quality Vermont's medical outcomes to the other
states becomes known. If Vermont's single-payer system is being phased-in from now thru 2017, the deterioration and needless suffering of patients in that system should start to surface before 2017.