Vimo dumping

I have requested a credit on all leads since they were obviously not fresh. We will see what they do.

The first time it happened I let it slide since I had failed to shut them off, even though I knew that all the leads did not originate at 6 AM. This time I am calling their hand on it.

If they are going to send me stale leads then at least charge me a buck rather than full price.
Quite interesting. I also have noticed that I'll sometimes get 2-3 "batched" together.

They say they only sell the lead four times.

One way to find out...Submit a fictitious lead on VIMO and track how quickly you receive it and what other emails you get.
sell the lead four times

That may well be the case. The leads that come in late in the PM, or over the weekend, may not get sold 4x and stockpiled to be dumped at 6 AM.

At least, that is my suspicion.

If still not sold for full price, they sell them at a discount by allowing you to view pertinent details and decide if you want to buy them or not.
The "On Demand" leads are supposed to be real-time.

"They are delivered to you in real-time, and you can buy with one-click."

I assume the regular leads are also real-time although I did not see that in writing.
Quite often I have been able to speak to people within a minute or so of them submitting the form.
Not as frequently as I would like, but it does happen.
"REAL TIME?" Time is always real isn't it? You're getting these in REAL time means the time that you are getting them in is "real." Did you really get them then we really gave them to you in that time frame. REAL TIME.
Actually...there used to be a lead service here in Lebanon called (Arabic translation) "Great Leads for You."

We would receive the leads in "fake" time. That some cases, I was calling people about an hour before they actually submitted their information online. Really weird.
Hey guys,

As you may know, we survey end-users after they submit quote requests. Here are the top complaints we get:

1) I'm getting too many calls!
2) No one ever called me!
3) Someone called me late at night! (This could be a Do Not Call issue)
4) Health insurance is too expensive!
5) _______ Broker was rude!

We've tried to balance these complaints by taking leads that come in late at night and pausing their distribution until the following morning to avoid complaints #2 and #3. That's why you could see a few first thing in the morning. We try to make sure that every consumer receives a phone call, but not at midnight.

If you'd rather not get those leads, you can always suspend your account when you're done for the day and then activate the following day when you get into the office.

OnDemand leads work the exact same way.


Thanks for the explanation.

Quick question...Let's suppose I suspend my leads at 9:00 p.m. A lead comes in at 10:00 p.m. And then I restart the leads at 9:a.m. the next morning. I assume that I will NOT receive that lead. Is that correct?


That is correct. If your account stays on around the clock, you'll see that you won't get any leads late at night, and then a few will "dump" in at 6am (or thereabouts). If you hold off on activating your account until later in the morning, those won't be sent to you.

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