Vimo Live Transfers

So these are live transfer leads based on their calling? What information do they pass to the agent with the transfer? Our center is closing 6-9 leads on one seat based on the data we are dialing.

I've received GREAT feed back on the appointments.

I am thinking I should start offering these services. Certainly not forum set up and administration!

I'm just trying to line up as many discounts as I can - use 'em, don't use 'em. Doesn't really matter to me. If you're gonna use a lead source at least pay the least amount possible.

Prospect Zone heavily advertises to the older market, from two sites Mortgage quote and insurance quotes - Any quote. Anytime. and Health Quote Finder - Free Health Insurance Quotes No health filters to speak of, So Volume is the game with them, no problem wanting volume, but its how they attain it, and what they advertise. No Lead company is perfect, but they have a very long way to go. For the Cost and quality, Vimo is the only way to go.
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if you think that you are the only one getting the lead your wrong....the last one I got was also contacted by 2 other agents and the guy swears he only called the # to talk to an agent and gave the operator his info....then he gets a call from an agency out of Houston and a Mega this tells me after they transfered to me they sold him to other agents.....really nice...