

GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
How do you make a vlog? Webcam? Camcorder (or whatever they call them these days)?

Is anyone using them? How are they received?
Not really, Kurt. I don't think anyone would pay to see me in my underwear or pajama's.
This post is going in a unique direction, but either way how ever you record it will need to be digital and require a bit of editing unless you are smooth enough to do it in one take (Ron Burgandy Style - Anchor Man).
Thanks Radiusbob.

Back to my original question. Do you use a webcam or regular camcorder?

And yes I am smooth, even when not in my Victoria Secret outfit . . .
I make a lot of videos and I just use my camcorder - upload it to my computer via firewire, edit it on Windows Movie Maker and it's done.

TMI John, TMI......

I just couldn't resist the temptation...
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Ok, truth be told I've thought about doing this as well with clients.

It would lend a certain level of credibility to you as a broker and offer piece of mind to your clients that they are not dealing with a sweatshop brokerage.

This also begs the question of what to wear. (at least from the waist up)
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What would also work really well is to broadcast a live health insurance educational session or Q&A. You can set up a free account with Ustream, announce it on your blog and build a following.