walkin' and talkin'

Way to go Mark! You know it was hard for me to just "talk" to people about what I do. I had to get past the "I don't want to bore you" and move on to the "I've got some great information I'd like to share with you that might save you some money....is Tuesday afternoon good for you?".

I think you're well on your way Mark. Before you know it you're gonna be getting these calls like, "Mark my name is .......... . So and so told me to call you. She said you might can save me some money on my insurance."

And what's really funny is when you get referred by someone that you don't have a clue who they are.

Hang in there man!
I bet the tire store owner - or employees- came down with some illness lately and NOW he thinks it would be good to have health insurance. { lol pessimism gets you everywhere}
Persistence pays.

I had a guy I "chased" for close to 20 years. Started calling on him when I lived in Birmingham. Never did any business.
After moving to Atlanta I would pop in on him when I was in town. On one of those trips back I hit him at the right time. That was a $60k account (commission). Kept it for 3 years, then he began spinning off some of the companies. Nine years later I still have one of his smaller companies and get $500/month in renewals. I figure I have made around $250k off him over the last 9 years. Not saying it will happen to you, or ever happen to me again, but sometimes it never hurts to keep in contact.

Thanks for the story. Inspiring!