Warriors......whose Gonna Play..yay?

From the article...
"In January, Aetna Chief Executive Officer Mark Bertolini suggested that the company's participation in 2015 could depend on whether the administration would allow it to raise rates enough to cover expenses."

Aetna is the most expensive of the 5 carriers in the northeast Illinois marketplace, and they have no advantage over BCBS, Humana, Land of Lincoln, or Coventry in benefits or medical network. But they want to raise rates, because they're losing money? Sounds more like a government mindset than a corporate mindset. We know how that will work out for them.

As I've mentioned in another thread, IL is giving carriers only until March 31st opt out of the state's marketplace. Don't know how it can be enforced though. Can't a carrier pull out of a state whenever it wants to, as long as it gives suitable advance notice to customers?
giving carriers only until March 31st opt out of the state's marketplace.

I interpret that to mean they can still sell off exchange if they want.

I maintain we will see 2 - 3 major players in 2015 plus a few regionals like KP. I doubt Aetna, Cigna and Assurant will return in 2015, on or off the exchange. If Aetna bows out that means Coventry goes as well.
Yes, off the exchange is open all year round. It's the subsidized plans that are limited by enrollment periods. Cannot wait for 4/1!!! Need a break.
Yes, off the exchange is open all year round. It's the subsidized plans that are limited by enrollment periods. Cannot wait for 4/1!!! Need a break.

You need SEP reason for all on and off exchange business. It is not year round enrollment for off exchange. (unless you're selling in nevada)
Yagents is correct. Not sure why I was thinking we could. Thanks for correcting. Looks like I will work on my golf game April - Sept...LOL
Yagents is correct. Not sure why I was thinking we could. Thanks for correcting. Looks like I will work on my golf game April - Sept...LOL

April - Oct. 2015 OEP doesn't start until 11/15 next round. It's delayed.

YAgents, I'm going to "lead them to the sand" then turn them over to the Riffs.

By next OEP you will likely find me here..............and in the brick and mortar version hopefully opening late summer early fall.

Garlic City Vapor - Your Online Souce for Quality Vaping & Electronic Cigarettes

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