Washington may become first state to legalize human composting

We're having my mom stuffed. Each of her kids will get her for 2 months each year and she'll be able to attend family get togethers.

Does she know about this grand plan?

So much for my "dignified" post... As usual, it fell off the rails!
She's getting Dementia and every time I tell her she's getting stuffed she smiles and says, "really"? I get my sense of humor from my mom and my meanness from my dad. :twitchy:
Alternative to burial or cremation may be in Kansas' future

Alternative to burial or cremation may be in Kansas' future

In promession, the body is frozen using liquid nitrogen, then vibrated into small particles. Water is removed from the particles, which are then freeze-dried. Remains are buried in a degradable coffin.

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt found that promession doesn't meet the definition of cremation under Kansas law and regulation in a recent legal opinion.

That decision surprised Promessa representative Rachel Caldwell.

"We thought this would be no hang-ups whatsoever," Caldwell said.
People researching cannibalism set out to determine what human flesh really tastes like. After a lab based breakdown and scientific analysis, they determined it would taste like prosciutto. Ha! I bet you thought I'd say chicken!:no:

This was posted in April? How the heck did I miss this! Almost post of the year
DayTimer said:

People researching cannibalism set out to determine what human flesh really tastes like. After a lab based breakdown and scientific analysis, they determined it would taste like prosciutto. Ha! I bet you thought I'd say chicken!

This comment is not going to sit well with the Greek salad, roasted tomato & parmesan focaccia bread I'm preparing for dinner.

So a second glass of white wine is now required to wash down the "human flesh" visual.