Welltheos the Free Web Broker Enrollment Site

I don't think WellTheos is ready yet, which may be the reason why it's free to use (at your own risk) at this point.

It lists "Assurant" as an available plan for 2016. We know that's not right.

The quote listing shows "WellTheos" and it's Logo, where the words "United Health" should be, in zip 60123. It's like they haven't received authorization to use the United Health logo next to the United Healthcare quotes. Weird.

If HealthSherpa has to follow this identical work-flow, they'll be far superior, IMO. Plus, we already know Sherpa's "after the sale" dashboard tools and support are very useful/helpful.
They show the smoker choice after the plan is chosen... odd order, but other than that seems to work ok. We noticed they don't show the completed applications for about an hour after you enroll them... seems to work pretty smoothly though
i thought i read that they charge insurance companies a PMPM app fee for people that enroll through a carriers website (assuming they build carrier sites), so they don't have to charge agents
i thought i read that they charge insurance companies a PMPM app fee for people that enroll through a carriers website (assuming they build carrier sites), so they don't have to charge agents

They already made their money building platforms for insurance companies.
Now, they just want to promote enrollments (to help their insurance companies):

Video Explaining Broker Enrollment Process using Welltheos:
That video does make it look easy. Apparently, that was assuming the broker was entering all of the information, and not the applicant...Is that correct?

Correct. It works fine for me with new customers but has had some issues trying to reenroll customers from last year unless I am just doing it wrong. We did see an example yesterday with zip code 71111 as an example where it asks you to choose a county but that is only in one county so you can't proceed past page one. Don't know if they offer support but I sent in a screenshot of the error message.

So for those you can enter them in on healthcare.gov through the carrier website through Sherpa or express or ebroker software.