What About Virtual assistants?


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I know this is NOT the answer to all my issues, and there is still more needed, but I am intrigued by the Idea at least to take some of the load

I know Glenn Shelton has them as well as Eugene Marchenko

Has anyone used any of these? Any feed back ? Any good at all? is one better then the other?
I know this is NOT the answer to all my issues, and there is still more needed, but I am intrigued by the Idea at least to take some of the load

I know Glenn Shelton has them as well as Eugene Marchenko

Has anyone used any of these? Any feed back ? Any good at all? is one better then the other?
I used Time Etc. for a few years before bringing someone on full-time. They were great but not cheap (35-40/hour).

They're US based though and have a lot of experience based on what you need them to do so training is minimal.
I used Time Etc. for a few years before bringing someone on full-time. They were great but not cheap (35-40/hour).

They're US based though and have a lot of experience based on what you need them to do so training is minimal.

yea well 30 or 40 and hour doesn't save anything

This is like $10 and flexible verse 20 or 25

and in the long run not even Vrs but rather to work together

But at least for now I would like this to help transition
I know this is NOT the answer to all my issues, and there is still more needed, but I am intrigued by the Idea at least to take some of the load

I know Glenn Shelton has them as well as Eugene Marchenko

Has anyone used any of these? Any feed back ? Any good at all? is one better then the other?
I know Joanna Wycoff . She used Glen Sheltons Va’s and seemed to be happy .This was 9 months ago . But she’s since scaled her recruiting big so I don’t know if she’s still using .Heard a few negative rumbling’s on Marchenko’s
yea well 30 or 40 and hour doesn't save anything

This is like $10 and flexible verse 20 or 25

and in the long run not even Vrs but rather to work together

But at least for now I would like this to help transition
Your call but if you can find someone for $20/$25 an hour who is decent and local, you should hire them in a heartbeat.

That's assuming that you want them talking/working with clients. If just strictly admin, then the SE Asia assistants are great (I work with a broker who has had his for 10 years and relies on her for everything but client communications).
Your call but if you can find someone for $20/$25 an hour who is decent and local, you should hire them in a heartbeat.

That's assuming that you want them talking/working with clients. If just strictly admin, then the SE Asia assistants are great (I work with a broker who has had his for 10 years and relies on her for everything but client communications).

I am thinking short term, and long term

Right now I do most client communication My wife, does a lot of CS
Probably the only Client communication would be just to answer the phone and maybe schedule a call back

The Idea long term would be to find out how many processes I can get them to do for less, and also hire local for in the office

Maybe things like Getting the client from closed to in the mailbox power for Bday and ref campaigns and set up cover letter ready for us

so all we need to do is print and mail in office with Buis cards

If they can do this can they do other things? I don't know,

is this enough to justify maybe 10 or 15 hours a week to start, will it help enough to help us get out from under a lot of non sales work?

I need to get organized and I just don't have my wife for nearly enough hours and never had enough time with her to really be on top of these things

Now I have a lot of processes that are not running well, and a lot of things that were supposed to be learned and mastered by my wife that never got done. like how to design and set up campaigns in the mailbox power

Unfortunately the VA probably cant do these things but if they could do the processes maybe my wife can get a handle on other things

She spent days trying to get the contacts into the new mail system , the csv file needed to be updated, the first and last names needed to be seperated and many other like things

If VA could have done that My wife could have done other things IDK

On the other hand if I just got the right person, I could pay $25 and hour for 30 hours and they just got it all together then that would be better

But I am just tossing around Ideas

wondering if it might be better to do this for the short term, to get organized and get a handle on expenses

I have to get an office ether way, I can no longer operate in my home, and If I hire someone later there is no room where and my youngest is very loud autism

and I have to get another car to function properly

all this will be expense, so If I can make this way work in the short term it might be a good bridge to hire someone later

But again I am just playing with the Idea it might just be better to hire local instead
why don't you just have your wife be your assistant?

My Youngest is highly autistic, I made it work with her helping for as long as I can and longer then I should have, she has not been able to do nearly as much the last year and half as before

And now there will be a lot more time with my son home over the summer 2 weeks here and 2 weeks there

Even when she is working she is great at CS and calling carriers but she is not as good at dealing with running systems and things

She will still work with me but anything more then 15 hours a week at this point is hard and even worse when he is home all day
My Youngest is highly autistic, I made it work with her helping for as long as I can and longer then I should have, she has not been able to do nearly as much the last year and half as before

And now there will be a lot more time with my son home over the summer 2 weeks here and 2 weeks there

Even when she is working she is great at CS and calling carriers but she is not as good at dealing with running systems and things

She will still work with me but anything more then 15 hours a week at this point is hard and even worse when he is home all day
Your 100% telesales right ? So you need to be out of the house because of the noise level ? If I were comfortable knowing the Medicare agent will be relevant in 7-10 yrs I’d have my son come in business . Deep down I just believe because of the silly money that’s been in Medicare the last 15 yrs things will be changing big . I see the big shakeup in p@c and auto now . Many CO’s want no more business. I can’t bring my son into something that could change big . But being myself only I’ll ride this till the wheels fall off
Your 100% telesales right ? So you need to be out of the house because of the noise level ? If I were comfortable knowing the Medicare agent will be relevant in 7-10 yrs I’d have my son come in business . Deep down I just believe because of the silly money that’s been in Medicare the last 15 yrs things will be changing big . I see the big shakeup in p@c and auto now . Many CO’s want no more business. I can’t bring my son into something that could change big . But being myself only I’ll ride this till the wheels fall off

Yes but I am changing my buis model drastically , Hopefully I can remain 100% over the phone, But I am advertising more locally as well

and will be trying to pitch more referral partners, I will do that in person, but hopefully nor clients in person