What Are the Most Ideal Demographics for Final Expense

I see a lot of people who forget to put a cap on the income...some people who make enough or too much money aren't thinking of FE. Good thread and thoughts on demographics.
HoosierLife, you are cold calling and got 15 prospects? I just went to your website. Can I email you? I have some questions! (I can't PM yet, not enough postings, I'm working on it though).

Yeah sure...............20
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Be careful, these are most likely suspects. Once they've been qualified as to attitude, ability to pay, willingness to pay, etc., THEN they become "prospects".

What your describing is a sale not a prospect :).
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What your describing is a sale not a prospect.
Looks like you need to learn some qualification skills. Once you dry off behind the ears, you'll understand - hopefully.
moonlightandmargaritas- are you saying that you can't do FE over the phone?
I'm sure you can do FE over the phone. While I have no personal knowledge, folks that I trust tell me that a very large percentage of the biz will peel.
Looks like you need to learn some qualification skills. Once you dry off behind the ears, you'll understand - hopefully.

The people I call know I'm calling about life insurance, and that the life insurance is for covering burial and other final expenses, I get their age and whether they use tobacco products. I tell them that rates will be included. Would you consider that qualified?
The people I call know I'm calling about life insurance, and that the life insurance is for covering burial and other final expenses, I get their age and whether they use tobacco products. I tell them that rates will be included. Would you consider that qualified?
That's about 10% qualified - still suspects. Those are "logic" items, and as we know, logic doesn't sell. The other 90% is bringing their attitude and motivation to the surface. Why are they "interested"? "Why" is the most important and critical question you can ask!
That's about 10% qualified - still suspects. Those are "logic" items, and as we know, logic doesn't sell. The other 90% is bringing their attitude and motivation to the surface. Why are they "interested"? "Why" is the most important and critical question you can ask!

Well the why will be the first question I ask. So I would guess that you would not consider any lead, DM, TM or otherwise a prospect until after you meet with them?