What are you wearing???

Dickies and a cheap Walmart polo shirt. You need to be comfortable and these homes are you usually dirty, with cat and dog hair, and just dirt, I won't wear expensive clothes to appointments, the clients don't care, I actually think if you can't relate to them you won't have a chance, I don't want to dress to "above" them.
Actually brings up another good question. I recently switched from a company where I mett almost all my clients in the office, so the car I drove never came up. Now that I'll be driving to all appts, do any of you seasoned FE peeps have an opinion on if my current ride will be detrimental, or actually helpful.

I'm not one that feels the need to drive the latest luxury car. when considering a car purchase for my Wife almost two years ago, my neighbor's Grandma died, so he pulled up one day in a mint 1998 Mercury Marquis, Landau top, fully loaded, all leather, with only 80,000 original miles. The thing's in excellent condition, except the landau vinyl is a little faded. No dents or rust. I love driving this car, and my opinion is the type of folks I'd meet selling FE would probably love the car, or at least not look down on the fact I'm driving a 20 year old car. Am I wrong? Should I swap this out for something more up to date?
Your car doesn't matter, all that matters is your confidence and ability to help your client.
This is a long standing debate. The real answer is whatever works for you. Some of it is regional and cultural. When I lived in Phoenix, people were suspicious of salesmen wearing ties. When I lived in Virginia, you better not show up without a tie. Here in Texas, there can be differences in cultures within the same town!
I was in training with MetLife in July 1990. Their training center for our region was in Tampa. I had just moved from Phoenix. I thought Phoenix had the worst summers. I was wrong.

I had moved to Virginia Beach, VA, which also has oppressive humidity in the summer. I worked a rural debit, but one day a week I was very near the boardwalk area. So I kept swimming trunks in the car and mid-afternoon I drove to the beach and spent 30 minutes in the surf. Then I was ready to go back to work.

I always kept deodorant in the car for frequent use. An extra shirt would have been a good idea. It was during those days my wife commented that a tie in the hot summer was kind of dumb, and I agreed. And even though I'm wearing a tie most days now, I'll be back in dockers & polo shirt once the Texas heat kicks in!
Great story, Shonce. My manager used to say a golf shirt and khaki shorts would be more appropriate and he'd let us wear them if he could. In these casual times, I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly what they're wearing, especially down by Clearwater Beach!:cool:
. Here in Texas, there can be differences in cultures within the same town!


and for the social golfing event,,,,,


and lets not forget the client bbq.......

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Great story, Shonce. My manager used to say a golf shirt and khaki shorts would be more appropriate and he'd let us wear them if he could. In these casual times, I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly what they're wearing, especially down by Clearwater Beach!:cool:
When I started the company was only a couple of years out of requiring an agent to always wear a dress hat when in the field.. :yes: