What Company For This Prospect?

I think the only thing the flu shot does is cause the flu. I will keep the rest of my opinions about vaccinations to myself.

She's not too short but she's 41 pounds overweight for RNA Standard.

lol, That's was a joke Jerard. You never heard that before? Instead of telling someone they are overweight you say you are too short. The nerds on Big Bang Theory would have gotten that one. haha

Not that you might be a nerd but I saw the chess thing and you didn't get the joke. Just saying. ha
lol, That's was a joke Jerard. You never heard that before? Instead of telling someone they are overweight you say you are too short. Even the nerds on Big Bang Theory would have gotten that one. haha

Not that you might be a nerd but I saw the chess thing and you didn't get the joke. Just saying. ha

Ohhhhh....well, what do you expect, I'm senile and from Florida. :(
Ht/Wt alone is a table 1-2 rating with RNA, not to mention the water pill. So your quote I would add the 150% mark up on a table 2 at the minimum.

With RNA, it could be possibly Table 4 depending on her other tests and conditions they see on an APS they will also request.

Table B at worst in my experience. I guess everyone's experience might be different?
I have a prospect who I'm doing a fully underwritten GUL on but I'm concerned she is going to get rated even though they "think" she could get standard. Her budget is about $80 per month. So what company would suit her best for SI FE policy and how much face value could she get for $80 per month?

I'm also interested in knowing whether that Sagicor SI GUL would work? She is not concerned with cash values but not opposed to them. Just looking for a backup plan in case the fully underwritten policy is too much money (the face on it is $25,000 and also the minimum so I won't be able adjust face value for lower monthly premium).

Here are her stats (she has not been diagnosed as a diabetic):

DOB is 09/19/1945
Height 5'3"
Weight 200lbs
Non Tobacco (last used 45 years ago)
Current health status is: Stasis Dermatitis (legs); no diabetes yet gets A1C levels checked every three months due to family history last A1C level was 5.3
12/26/12 had vericose vein removal surgery from leg
Skin biopsy in March of this year came back "spongiotic dermatitis"
1) Levo Thyroxine 100mgs 1x per day
2) Alendronate 70 mgs 1x per week
3) Prescription Vitamin D 50,000 IU 1x per week
4) Furosemide 20 mg as needed (helps leg swelling)
5) Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment (as needed)

Sagicor may not be the pick. First, the Age makes it fully underwritten at $25k and age 67. You would have to look at $24,999 for an Express Issue plan and simple underwriting.

The bad news is two fold....1 the ht/wt makes her fit as a rated plan. However the water pill (Furosemide or Lasix) is a knock out drug for Sagicor's Simplified Issue Underwriting.

She would have to go Fully underwritten and the rating would probably be a table 4 or table 6. Max Sagicor goes to is a Table 8 when fully underwritten.

She may fall in nicely with Americo....I believe Lasix is still UP1 in their underwriting guide and the ht/wt is still good. You may want to try quote UP1 with them.

Table B at worst in my experience. I guess everyone's experience might be different?

Table B is a Table 2 rating, which is what I would expect at the minimum. I do not have much experience with how they treat water pill prescriptions, that is why it could be up to a table D/4 or F/6
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I meant the combination of those drugs and the skin issues. I take Vitamin D and A lot of B vitamins. Its protocol for liver damage, which I have. THe furosemide is a big red flag, especially that dosage. That is all I was saying there. Hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis, and skin problems, especially the spongiotic, all point to endocrine disorder. Those conditions are amplified by liver ailments. The weight and swelling could be ascites (if thats the case, Graded benefit only).

Im no MD, just making an observation, I have had those kinds of cases declined and that was reason for it. If there is no MIB info on her yet, then maybe she can the policy she needs.