What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business For?


New Member
Good Afternoon All!

I'm new here, and still testing the waters to see if this profession is something I'd like to continue with.

I would just like an honest opinion of what annuity company you think is the best one to work with. I briefly read some of the horror stories, but would just like an overall opinion on not only the product but everything else when you have to contact the company, the bad & the good.

Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I have a question too.

What is the best grocery store?

And I want to know everything about them,
what kind of food they have, what payment methods they take, do they take coupons, and where to get the coupons.

I'm thinking about maybe going grocery shopping sometime and just dont know where to start.

Please help.......
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

There are too many things to consider to believe that one company has the solutions for every type of customer. If you learn about the products and listen to what your customer needs then you'll know what company to go with for that customer because of the product they're offering.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I suggest you stop eating before you get food poisoning.

I have a question too.

What is the best grocery store?

And I want to know everything about them,
what kind of food they have, what payment methods they take, do they take coupons, and where to get the coupons.

I'm thinking about maybe going grocery shopping sometime and just dont know where to start.

Please help.......
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Well, if I can't look at padthai's old avatar any more, I suppose the new one is a good replacement. Too funny.

Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Well I tried to use this as a tool but I guess nobody wants to take it seriously. Why is it silly to ask about customer service, processing of paperwork, ease of getting information etc & little things that would make not only my experience better but for my clients also? Or are you just hit it & quit it agents? Don't care about the long term, just take the commissions & then bail on your clients? Yeah, I'll be the one coming in & taking care of your clients! Several of you are quick to get on here to complain about other companies & talk down about each other, but when someone wants a serious overall opinion about which company is the fastest, friendliest to deal with you make a joke of it! I realize each company has different products etc...but from what I've seen in a competitive market most products have the same end result, they just get there differently to entice the customer.
