What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business For?

Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Just remember, once size does not fill them all. Always sell products that fit your client’s needs. If their back office is a pain, it is not about you, it is about the client.

Back office personnel change all the time. The company that has good service today might not have good service tomorrow.

Also, do not sell just one carrier. Use multiple carriers to protect your clients and yourself from any issues that may arise down the road. This principal also will help you with NQ money and the Tax Advantage Distribution Theory will fit this nicely.

Good Luck!
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Hello Ms. Quinn

The thorough reply from Insuranceexec made me think of a question that in my opinion is more important than the one you asked (if you are going to be an independent agent).

The agency you choose to work with is probably a more critical question than which insurance company is the best. A good agency can help you fight through all the clutter to get the right company to place the business with.

The answer from insuranceexec is an example of the expertise that you can have access to.

Your contract with any agency will have big ramifications, issues include vesting and releases in addition to commission rates.

I am still a part-timer and a relative newbie (to insurance), but I hope you find the insurance profession as fascinating as I do. I see it as a real opportunity to help clients create and protect value.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Annuities are more about rates, features, and company strength rather than customer service.
Dont get me wrong, customer service is important along with ease of doing business with them. But if one company is difficult to deal with but has the best rates and features, you better suck it up and deal with them; because if you dont show it to the client someone else will.

Also as insurance exec pointed out, there are many different types of annuities. And no one company has the best of each of these types, and if they do, someone else will replace them eventually.

I have found that customer service and agent service is about the same with most of the major carriers..... it varies. But talk to the right person in the company and you can get stuff done. It just might take multiple calls.

So if you want carriers to look at, what types of annuities are you wanting info on?
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Midland National is a good Company to work with,very responsive to the agent and you can contract directly with them versus North American,which uses the FMO network.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Same for me, I've learned a lot from this forum over the last year or so. Much appreciated and I guess I've been pretty lucky that I haven't really had to deal with too much flack from anybody - yet lol.
Harry, you might be right. I'm transitioning into the indy world at the moment but I have been working for an agency that only offers 3 annuity carriers, including AVIVA and Lincoln. I write the income selct bonus with AVIVA. The products on the Lincoln side are better comparetively but, They take forever to process things.

Yo Rags... Give me a little insight as to how your indy transitioning is going. Thinking of getting off the captive horse also. Was going to try to get a marketing system in gear first to try to start generating leads without being a lead junkie to some internet lead site, but so far most of the systems I've seen out there are just giving away free tax reports, which from what I've seen here are about the same as giving away a free road atlas or microwave to get some one to call. What are you using to keep track of calls, mailings (1, 2, 3 times etc.)? I've owned my own businesses (2) for 28 yrs before getting into the ins. business, but never had to maximize the lead system like you should in this industry.

One other question; have you looked at the annuity carriers at FIG or SMS?

Thanks in advance
