What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business For?

Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Well I tried to use this as a tool but I guess nobody wants to take it seriously. Why is it silly to ask about customer service, processing of paperwork, ease of getting information etc & little things that would make not only my experience better but for my clients also? Or are you just hit it & quit it agents? Don't care about the long term, just take the commissions & then bail on your clients? Yeah, I'll be the one coming in & taking care of your clients! Several of you are quick to get on here to complain about other companies & talk down about each other, but when someone wants a serious overall opinion about which company is the fastest, friendliest to deal with you make a joke of it! I realize each company has different products etc...but from what I've seen in a competitive market most products have the same end result, they just get there differently to entice the customer.


Which product line:

1. MYGA's- Change every couple of weeks; with respect to rates, so there is no one company that will fill this need.

2. SPIA's- American National is a good one to go with as they are always in the top 5 with respect to IRR's and payouts.

3. Jt. SPIA's- Allianz has had the best rates here lately, but that could change at a moments notice.

4. FIA's (Accumulation) - I like North American, Investors Insurance

5. FIA's (Income w/in the first 5 years)- Forethought

6. FIA's (Income between years 6-10)- RBC, American Equity, LSW, North American, ING; the list goes on and on.

7. FIA's (Income in years 10+)- Aviva

Hopefully this is along the lines of what you were asking. Thanks

Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Which product line:

1. MYGA's- Change every couple of weeks; with respect to rates, so there is no one company that will fill this need.

2. SPIA's- American National is a good one to go with as they are always in the top 5 with respect to IRR's and payouts.

3. Jt. SPIA's- Allianz has had the best rates here lately, but that could change at a moments notice.

4. FIA's (Accumulation) - I like North American, Investors Insurance

5. FIA's (Income w/in the first 5 years)- Forethought

6. FIA's (Income between years 6-10)- RBC, American Equity, LSW, North American, ING; the list goes on and on.

7. FIA's (Income in years 10+)- Aviva

Hopefully this is along the lines of what you were asking. Thanks


Thank you!!! Yes it is, but what about your interaction w/ the company...sure we want to get the best rates for our clients but what about service from these companies? Allianz has the best rates but what about when you interact w/ them?
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I'm not sure if that was or wasn't what they were looking for but, I'll throw a thanks out there to you Exec. Ya know, I don't post to much on here because pretty much anything I'm looking for has already been discussed. But here's someone, who just started in the biz, registered on here a month ago, and just posted their first post to get a better understanding of all this, probably because the "search" option just didn't give the insight they were looking for. And what happens... They get mocked on their very first posting... typical.
As I search through the forum trying to better myself (I'm still new myself), I constantly see people get ridiculed for just asking for more insight on a subject. Thought that was the reason to be here in the first place...
If you want to poke fun at people and bull shhh constantly, go to the pub and knock yourself out... You'll be a hit!

Or maybe I'm wrong, and we should just attack all newbies upon first sight like some sort of video game.

Quinn, I typically write FIA's more than others, but I like AVIVA. Lincoln's got some decent products too but their processing is extremely slow no matter what type of case you have it seems. Anyhow, hope I could help you out....
Welcome to the Forum...
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Thank you!!! Yes it is, but what about your interaction w/ the company...sure we want to get the best rates for our clients but what about service from these companies? Allianz has the best rates but what about when you interact w/ them?
post have

Just about every company will provide good customer service; the trick is getting to speak with the right person.

I am not trying to be vague, but the question does warrant the above response.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

rags2riches--Thank you!!! If only more people on here were like you. Thank you for your insight!!!!:biggrin:
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I'm not sure if that was or wasn't what they were looking for but, I'll throw a thanks out there to you Exec. Ya know, I don't post to much on here because pretty much anything I'm looking for has already been discussed. But here's someone, who just started in the biz, registered on here a month ago, and just posted their first post to get a better understanding of all this, probably because the "search" option just didn't give the insight they were looking for. And what happens... They get mocked on their very first posting... typical.
As I search through the forum trying to better myself (I'm still new myself), I constantly see people get ridiculed for just asking for more insight on a subject. Thought that was the reason to be here in the first place...
If you want to poke fun at people and bull shhh constantly, go to the pub and knock yourself out... You'll be a hit!

Or maybe I'm wrong, and we should just attack all newbies upon first sight like some sort of video game.

Quinn, I typically write FIA's more than others, but I like AVIVA. Lincoln's got some decent products too but their processing is extremely slow no matter what type of case you have it seems. Anyhow, hope I could help you out....
Welcome to the Forum...

You are very welcome, Sir. Let me know if you have any other questions. I am not intrested in PM's. Please ask publicly so that I may post publicly. I hope this helps.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I typically write FIA's more than others, but I like AVIVA.

You dont really see aviva getting to many compliments from agents, I wouldnt put all my eggs in that basket.

Im sure there are plenty of agents on this board that would tell you your crazy for writing anything with them, agents tend to do that when the rug gets pulled out from under you and you loose all your commissions and have to fight tooth and nail to save what you can.

Aviva has its good points but agent services isn't one of them.

What product line do you like with them, just curious.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I'm not sure if that was or wasn't what they were looking for but, I'll throw a thanks out there to you Exec. Ya know, I don't post to much on here because pretty much anything I'm looking for has already been discussed. But here's someone, who just started in the biz, registered on here a month ago, and just posted their first post to get a better understanding of all this, probably because the "search" option just didn't give the insight they were looking for. And what happens... They get mocked on their very first posting... typical.
As I search through the forum trying to better myself (I'm still new myself), I constantly see people get ridiculed for just asking for more insight on a subject. Thought that was the reason to be here in the first place...
If you want to poke fun at people and bull shhh constantly, go to the pub and knock yourself out... You'll be a hit!

Or maybe I'm wrong, and we should just attack all newbies upon first sight like some sort of video game.

Quinn, I typically write FIA's more than others, but I like AVIVA. Lincoln's got some decent products too but their processing is extremely slow no matter what type of case you have it seems. Anyhow, hope I could help you out....
Welcome to the Forum...

I think it had more to do with the subject title than anything else. It's kind of like walking into a car lot and asking "what would you say is the best car to drive?" If one had instead asked something like "what would work for a family of five that are not too expensive?" or "how are BMWs different from the Mercedes?" then they would get a more informative answer.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

I'm not sure if that was or wasn't what they were looking for but, I'll throw a thanks out there to you Exec. Ya know, I don't post to much on here because pretty much anything I'm looking for has already been discussed. But here's someone, who just started in the biz, registered on here a month ago, and just posted their first post to get a better understanding of all this, probably because the "search" option just didn't give the insight they were looking for. And what happens... They get mocked on their very first posting... typical.
As I search through the forum trying to better myself (I'm still new myself), I constantly see people get ridiculed for just asking for more insight on a subject. Thought that was the reason to be here in the first place...
If you want to poke fun at people and bull shhh constantly, go to the pub and knock yourself out... You'll be a hit!

Or maybe I'm wrong, and we should just attack all newbies upon first sight like some sort of video game.

Quinn, I typically write FIA's more than others, but I like AVIVA. Lincoln's got some decent products too but their processing is extremely slow no matter what type of case you have it seems. Anyhow, hope I could help you out....
Welcome to the Forum...

LOL I have to agree with you. Coming here is a little like going to a whore house. Better make sure you wear protection and even then........:twitchy:

I think folks need to lighten up a little on the new people. This gets pretty complicated and they are here to get useful information. They are after all going to go out there and do their best to be agents so they can give the rest of us a good or bad name by their actions.

I was always told if you don't have any thing good to say then don't say anything at all. After being on here for a while though, I have had some help from fellow agents and I am learning.
Re: What Company Would You Say is the Best One to Write Business

Same for me, I've learned a lot from this forum over the last year or so. Much appreciated and I guess I've been pretty lucky that I haven't really had to deal with too much flack from anybody - yet lol.
Harry, you might be right. I'm transitioning into the indy world at the moment but I have been working for an agency that only offers 3 annuity carriers, including AVIVA and Lincoln. I write the income selct bonus with AVIVA. The products on the Lincoln side are better comparetively but, They take forever to process things.