I can tell you exactly what he did because they do it here in UTAH all the time. He liked his agent... maybe even has some sort of history or relationship with his agent that you were unaware of. He used your quote to keep his agent Honest... you basically were a marketing tool in the prospects hand or a coupon if you will. He took your rate back to his agent and said Ill stay with you if you can match it. And guess what, He did. I have learned as BERT suggests. DO not be passive, you need to call a spade a spade. I usually sit down with the prospect and say thank you for meeting with me... I would really appreciate your honesty in me asking you this question. If today I discover any issues with your policy, or that I can save you money while offering you good service would there be anything keeping you from coming on board with my agency ? In addition to that I would appreciate it if you would not use my quote as means to get a better rate with your current agent... If he/she were servicing your account like he should... he/she would be getting you the best rates possible, However if you do feel the need to offer your agent a shot at retaining the business and he/she does offer you a rate competative to mine you need to ask yourself... How long have I been over paying?