What Did I Do Wrong and How Can I Improve This?

I can tell you exactly what he did because they do it here in UTAH all the time. He liked his agent... maybe even has some sort of history or relationship with his agent that you were unaware of. He used your quote to keep his agent Honest... you basically were a marketing tool in the prospects hand or a coupon if you will. He took your rate back to his agent and said Ill stay with you if you can match it. And guess what, He did. I have learned as BERT suggests. DO not be passive, you need to call a spade a spade. I usually sit down with the prospect and say thank you for meeting with me... I would really appreciate your honesty in me asking you this question. If today I discover any issues with your policy, or that I can save you money while offering you good service would there be anything keeping you from coming on board with my agency ? In addition to that I would appreciate it if you would not use my quote as means to get a better rate with your current agent... If he/she were servicing your account like he should... he/she would be getting you the best rates possible, However if you do feel the need to offer your agent a shot at retaining the business and he/she does offer you a rate competative to mine you need to ask yourself... How long have I been over paying?
If someone steps into your office you close them right than and there especially if you can offer Better coverage at a reduced premium.

Since 75% of business more for other agencies is done via email/fax etc. I have three main rules.

1.Follow -up
2.Than Follow-up again
3. If you don't get a response FOLLOW UP again.

Believe me more people appreciate the persistence than tell you that you are bothering them.
So i got a referral for a HO quote. We talked and i told him that i can provide a free coverage analysis and see what he needs or paying too much for etc...

He obliges and brings in the policy. We sit down and we talk, everything is going well. His HO quote is for roughly 1.2k a year.

I started to sell on coverage, and noted that his home is under insured by 60% and that he needs to get this fixed. Also noted that he has a BASIC policy and very little is covered. I explained the differences and he starts to "complain" about his previous broker.

"why didn't he explain it?" "why didn't he give me proper coverage?"

i began to explain why working with me is great, i'll look into his account every 2 yrs and do an analysis etc... to make sure hes probably insured.

Then i show him my quote with dwelling upgraded with etc and BROAD for 800
Anyways he goes ok, everything looks good i will go home to "speak with the wife"

3 weeks i follow up, he tells me i've gone with my previous broker thanks for the help tho. i asked if he upgraded your coverage he goes yes. (sounds like he didn't) i said ok thanks, if you need any thing else please call.

did i give him too much info? or my follow up approach is weak.

just dont see how i couldnt get this account.

He's going to have a renewal you can talk to him about :)
"Let me ask you a question. If an agent were you come to you and offer you less coverage at an increased price, would you want to work with him?" Of course he will say no. Then you answer with, "Well, isn't that exactly what you are doing by staying with your current agent?"

It gets them thinking and I've used this several times and it's worked quite well. :biggrin:

Wow, I love this and I'm going to start using it. Very well said and very effective. Thanks!
Waiting three weeks is way, way too long. I have gotten to the point that I basically steam roll them and if they don't buy from me when I have the better quote then I burn the bridge. I don't practice quote to "keep their guy honest". Tell the guy he wasted your time and move on. The key is having enough prospects in the pipeline that you can do that without batting an eye. It is really strange but the less clingy you are as a salesperson the better you seem to do. Most people do not like making decisions about complicated and boring subjects (like insurance) so tell them what to do. Tell them we are insuring for X amount (with Marshall Swift documentation) with X deductible and the premium is Y which saves you money and improves your coverage..".Do you want to pay in full or monthly eft? Gotta talk to wife... Great, just sign the app and give me your payment info, I won't run anything without your ok but I want to save you another trip down here. I can't imagine your wife will have a problem with getting more for less." Being a passive salesman will not make more people like you but it will make fewer people buy from you.
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Waiting three weeks is way, way too long. I have gotten to the point that I basically steam roll them and if they don't buy from me when I have the better quote then I burn the bridge. I don't practice quote to "keep their guy honest". Tell the guy he wasted your time and move on. The key is having enough prospects in the pipeline that you can do that without batting an eye. It is really strange but the less clingy you are as a salesperson the better you seem to do. Most people do not like making decisions about complicated and boring subjects (like insurance) so tell them what to do. Tell them we are insuring for X amount (with Marshall Swift documentation) with X deductible and the premium is Y which saves you money and improves your coverage..".Do you want to pay in full or monthly eft? Gotta talk to wife... Great, just sign the app and give me your payment info, I won't run anything without your ok but I want to save you another trip down here. I can't imagine your wife will have a problem with getting more for less." Being a passive salesman will not make more people like you but it will make fewer people buy from you.


Timid salesman have skinny kids :twitchy: