What does the next Iteration of the FMO market look like if the new rule sticks?

Hey I am not saying I know anything for sure like you do

But I find it hard to believe that overrides are gone completely it just does not make sense, and why is the money still flowing now and why are so many saying otherwise

and then I think how many have given YOU inside information but no one else is confidently saying what you are saying, though some(not the majority) will say it looks like or they believe probably

but you confidently say you heard from some source this is the facts

and just gone so FMOs wont many any money on MA sales anymore how does that make any sense and what do you do with the language thats says otherwise

I cant give you specifics but you hear it page this or that and they quote them all the time

I am just saying I hope you not just spreading fear and that you are being honest when so and so from the inside confirmed this and that one confirmed that
100% no . These are credible agency’s that will be hurt badly if overrides go away . I’m not quoting nobody’s that aren’t legitimate agency’s .For me it’s irrelevant as I make a dime off no one at this point .
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100% no . These are credible agency’s that will be hurt badly if overrides go away . I’m not quoting nobody’s that aren’t legitimate agency’s .For me it’s irrelevant as I make a dime off no one at this point .

thats my point you are claiming multiple more then several credible sources

certainly makes me nervous, and I hope you truly speaking truth, and not just doing it

its crazy I have had multiple long conversations with my FMO and integrity FMO after comments you made from credible sources and I am assured there is nothing to it quoting the same pages others do online

and the video you shared less then a week later they said they read the opposite now

so what is everyone just lying upfront and speaking the opposite in secret and you are just sharing it in the light?

Honestly I don't know what to believe

However I will say it is only you who are making me think that it is possible that the FMOs are all lying

but then the question is why are they still handing out money, seemingly more now then before?
thats my point you are claiming multiple more then several credible sources

certainly makes me nervous, and I hope you truly speaking truth, and not just doing it

its crazy I have had multiple long conversations with my FMO and integrity FMO after comments you made from credible sources and I am assured there is nothing to it quoting the same pages others do online

and the video you shared less then a week later they said they read the opposite now

so what is everyone just lying upfront and speaking the opposite in secret and you are just sharing it in the light?

Honestly I don't know what to believe

However I will say it is only you who are making me think that it is possible that the FMOs are all lying

but then the question is why are they still handing out money, seemingly more now then before?
The fmo’s know nothing yet . No major company has commented yet . If the overrides are safe as your fmo’s tell you why did Huge Amerilife sue cms ? It’s because the carriers are signaling to them something big is changing . As far as carriers giving out money like candy . That’s total bs . I’m writing the tar out of Aetna and the regional refused to give me a dime . He said there on budget freeze . Humana took the reward program away . June 1st no more call in customer service for agents for little things . For you to think the juiciest cuts of all $500 mil plus overrides not on the table to be slashed regardless of cms rule changes is naive as hell . Anyway I thought you were 90% med sup guy ? I built my book big the last nearly 4 yrs for zero cost . What happens as far as overrides , fmo’s around or marketing money means little to me . I can keep my book pretty level with the 10 plus referrals I get a month . Hustling and branding by business has paid off
thats my point you are claiming multiple more then several credible sources

certainly makes me nervous, and I hope you truly speaking truth, and not just doing it

its crazy I have had multiple long conversations with my FMO and integrity FMO after comments you made from credible sources and I am assured there is nothing to it quoting the same pages others do online

and the video you shared less then a week later they said they read the opposite now

so what is everyone just lying upfront and speaking the opposite in secret and you are just sharing it in the light?

Honestly I don't know what to believe

However I will say it is only you who are making me think that it is possible that the FMOs are all lying

but then the question is why are they still handing out money, seemingly more now then before?
OK my fmo has told me 3 months ago the same thing he told me last week, overrides are done, marketing dollars are done , commissions for pdp done, agents For mapd either get full commissions or no commissions as determined by the carriers
The fmo’s know nothing yet . No major company has commented yet . If the overrides are safe as your fmo’s tell you why did Huge Amerilife sue cms ? It’s because the carriers are signaling to them something big is changing . As far as carriers giving out money like candy . That’s total bs . I’m writing the tar out of Aetna and the regional refused to give me a dime . He said there on budget freeze . Humana took the reward program away . June 1st no more call in customer service for agents for little things . For you to think the juiciest cuts of all $500 mil plus overrides not on the table to be slashed regardless of cms rule changes is naive as hell . Anyway I thought you were 90% med sup guy ? I built my book big the last nearly 4 yrs for zero cost . What happens as far as overrides , fmo’s around or marketing money means little to me . I can keep my book pretty level with the 10 plus referrals I get a month . Hustling and branding by business has paid off

Humana and Aetna are going to pulling back huge from the market both were hurt without any of this Cigna too maybe gave too much away I suppose
Alright so FMOs no longer get an override so what do they work for free
everyone go direct to carrier ?

they going to make a big announcement 10/01?

how does any of this make sense

Obama care was so clearly going to cut commissions It was so well known

why wouldnt it be the same
Alright so FMOs no longer get an override so what do they work for free
everyone go direct to carrier ?

they going to make a big announcement 10/01?

how does any of this make sense

Obama care was so clearly going to cut commissions It was so well known

why wouldnt it be the same

FMOs should still sell Med Supp, FE, annuities, etc.
it’s not like FMOs are going away.
FMOs should still sell Med Supp, FE, annuities, etc.
it’s not like FMOs are going away.
I was going to say this . Justin Brock changed the name of his group from all Medicare to add life and aca . Fmo’s have been diversifying hard for a yr as all jumping into fe , life and annuities . Pushing med sups , cancer and hospital plans big . I think 2025 will be huge to sell a lot of hospital plans . I got around 100 gtl and medico on the books . I think I can triple that by the end of 2025
I was going to say this . Justin Brock changed the name of his group from all Medicare to add life and aca . Fmo’s have been diversifying hard for a yr as all jumping into fe , life and annuities . Pushing med sups , cancer and hospital plans big . I think 2025 will be huge to sell a lot of hospital plans . I got around 100 gtl and medico on the books . I think I can triple that by the end of 2025
And he just sold for 70 million
Alright so FMOs no longer get an override so what do they work for free
everyone go direct to carrier ?

they going to make a big announcement 10/01?

how does any of this make sense

Obama care was so clearly going to cut commissions It was so well known

why wouldnt it be the same
They will be paid by the carriers to provide training. Contracting, ect it will only be a select few across the country, the day of an fmo having 7 agents are done