What First Interview Questions To Ask?

"I can't afford to go 6 + months without pay. "

Yet, you plan on being an "elephant hunter"? The business you were in prior, did it involve dealing with a client's attorney, CPA and possible family or business partners? Did you have to wait for legal documents to be drawn up before you could "sell" your product? Did you get paid months after "selling" your product?

An estate plan may take a year or more to put together.

I mean it's great to have ambition and confidence but you are going into a different field than the previous one, right?

Depending on the product and underwriting involved, it might take 6 months to get paid. It takes a while to get paid in this business.

It's a different product than before as well. Someone may have been very interested in what you sold before, now because it's insurance, their attitude may have changed.

Not trying to be a downer, just trying to be honest about this business. It takes alot of work and a lot of time before you get paid. The agent is always the last paid.

I would also advise that you look around and listen at your interviews. When the GA tells you that you can make X amount of dollars, ask to visit with those agents. If there aren't any, well?

Good luck