What Kind of Cheat Sheet Do You Use?

Do you use a sheet that has updated interest rates for annuities, tax info and limits etc. or maybe underwriting info.
Just curious as to what the pro's use.
Appreciate the help!

If you are going to try to keep one of those updated for annuities you will pull your hair out. Just contract through an annuity focused broker for that and get monthly printouts on rates.
For annuity rates I just have my top five carriers printed out with me at all times. I also use one of my FMO's website to be able to search an annuity database.

For a tax cheat sheet, there are a ton. I use the free one that most insurance companies offer - epocket tax tables. Just search for that term.

I use a life insurance cheat sheet as well. We maintain one for final expense with the main carriers we use. We also keep an updated cheat sheet for SPWL showing premium/death benefit factors at all ages.

For in-home presentations, I have certain visuals I use each time. I found lamenting them a few years ago has saved me the headaches of replacing them on a monthly basis. Obvious, I know.
Get on the mail list for IAMS annuity marketing. They mail out a nice up to date booklet every month or so.