What products do you sell?

Senior Market only...
Med supps, MA's, Life, LTC, Cancer
First 2 are easy, life is okay, LTC is slow and cancer is an add on.
Health Insurance 80% (Individual/Family & Small Group)
Short Term Medical 5% (for Unemployed people I know)
Stand Alone Dental 1% (for people that want that ONLY)
Med Supplement Plans 10% (through my seminars)
Medicare Advantage Plans 2% (those that can't afford Med Supps)
Term Life (some Universal Whole Life) 1% (when I think of it)
Disability.05% (through referrals)
Long Term Care .05% (if they beg me - usually farm it out to someone else)
Mostly individual health insurance with a touch of group (but doing more lately) & term life.
I have greatly change my focus and now selling Voluntary Group Products for Colonial, Illinios Mutual (if I can get certain things straighten out) and use IM mainly for individual DI and Life cases.
In order from most to least:

Individual Health,
Group Health,
Farm & Ranch.

My life sales have been creeping up to my health sales lately.

Ever since I started marketing excusively Business to Business I have been inundated with health, life, and business leads. I love it!