What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

So when 51+ in senate vote to pass a bill, you're saying 66 of them will come back to override a veto on a bill they just passed?

Im saying it is entirely possible for a room full of adults, to be adults.

If I remember correctly, around 8% of Vetoes have been overridden.

One of the benefits of making each side enemies, is that its easier to control the process.
Ever heard of executive order?

Executive Orders can be Overturned..... by Congress...

They can also be challenged in Federal Court and Overturned by a Judge.
(even private citizens and organizations can challenge an Executive Order in Court)

3 Branches. Balance of Power.
Executive Orders can be Overturned..... by Congress...

They can also be challenged in Federal Court and Overturned by a Judge.
(even private citizens and organizations can challenge an Executive Order in Court)

3 Branches. Balance of Power.
Yes, they can be but just how often, out of all the thousands of executive orders, have you seen one "overturned"? To place your hopes on that happening is going way out on a limb.
Yes, they can be but just how often, out of all the thousands of executive orders, have you seen one "overturned"? To place your hopes on that happening is going way out on a limb.

Hundreds have been overturned. Its a very common thing to happen. Executive Orders are actually the easiest type of legislation to reverse.

Often, a newly elected President's first act is to overturn many of their predecessors Executive Orders.

Most politically charged Orders are immediately challenged in court by activist organizations. Many of Biden's orders have been reversed due to this process. Same for Trump, Obama, Bush, etc.

Its also common for Congress to draft legislation overturning Executive Orders, especially when Congress is controlled by a party opposite the President.
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