What Should a Warm Up Include?


I hear a lot about the warm up but I wonder if anyone could tell me how you do one? Does it include a fact finding or is that after the warm up?
thanks for any help
Great question. Warm-ups serve two purposes, qualifying & building trust. More of the building trust. Compliments, and pacing (a technique to showcase similarities between you and the customer) are two main ingredients to building trust. Another ingredient is showing expertize in the subject, and that comes across by acting professional, smiling, dressing appropriately, asking the right questions, and confidence. Is there a script for that? no, but I am sure some agents will tell you to compliment the yard, a clean house, pictures, family members.
Building Trust, while exhibiting Integrity and Professionalism will allow you to probe into matters of what they find important, giving you ammo or reasons for them getting this policy.

Finding questions that will allow you to dig up reasons for owning a policy fall into 3 categories:
1. Shielding loved ones from expenses.
2. Subsidizing spouse's income.
3. Leaving a legacy to those they find important, family, charities etc.

Now the trick is to find out what's important to them, that will fit in to these categories, and sounding genuinely interested at the same time.

"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care", and you get there by asking questions..
I spend 5-10 minutes just asking open questions. are they from the area? look at photos and other items they have visible. they tell you a lot about the individual(s). I don't get into insurance stuff until I feel like I have built a little rapport. It's not an exact science. Funny, sometimes they get long winded and I have to artfully get them into talking about insurance...

at which point I usually start asking what meds they take, conditions they have, what policies they currently have, etc.

A lot of questions before I get into a pitch. Really its not a pitch at all, just a thoughtfully put together plan based on their needs. No close needed. I typically have to call their current carrier as they rarely have their policies available, and a lot of the time they aren't even accurate in what they think they have coverage-wise.
Retired or working... how many kids... how long you lived in X... are my standard questions. Can go from 5 minutes to 50 minutes depending on the person.

Personally, I don't think there's such a thing as too much rapport-building. It always depends on how much the prospect likes to talk.
My warm up generally involves a lot of open mouth tongue kissing with their dog.

I love dogs!

I sell insurance just so I can meet everyone's dogs.

Word of advice: don't EVER ask them to put Cujo in the other room or outside.
I was talk to use F-O-R (Farmers is good for something, I guess)....


Ask about their family, what they do for a living (did), and what they do for recreation. All of these will give you some good insight to them as people, allow for some good rapport building and give you info for later when you shift to insurance.

I was talk to use F-O-R (Farmers is good for something, I guess)....


I was taught FORM

Mission (what you are there for)

Mission = "now that I've learned a little about you, I'm going to tell you a little about me"