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It's irrelevant who gets in . It's game over . Debt is unsustainable. It's grown under all party's . As far as stocks . They've gone up whether we had inflation or no inflation , weak or strong $, interest rates high or low , good or bad earnings . The mkt stands at one of the highest valuations in history right now with overall Medicore at best earnings . Look at Apple . 30 plus p/e with basically zero growth in 4 yrs . . We haven't had a real recession ( Covid was a 4 month event drop) since 2009. A real doozy is coming .
Overall debt, yes. Medicare payroll tax will need to be raised a small amount. There is simply no avoiding that. It's an easy fix.
The Medicare Trust Fund is solvent until at least 2036. They previously forecasted 2031. It will go up again. They will never let that program fall. They can't. It would be political suicide.
Stocks went up under Trump due to actual growth and much business confidence in him.
Under Biden, it's all artificial, just like everything else Biden.....from unemployment numbers, to jobs numbers, to crime statistics.....commies will fudge anything to make it look good.
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