What was it like before Obamacare?

10+ carriers in FL with the largest ACA enrollments...... only Florida Blue offers HSA plan in 2025. Meaning, only captive agents can sell an HSA. Trump will reverse this trend

I have that HSA. Going up 20% next year for me, my wife and toddler. I hope it doesn't go away. I like maxing it out
It was actually affordable, with benefit structures that were very reasonable. Obama is an anti-American marxist radical that hates pretty much all of us. The so-called "Affordable" Care Act wasn't actually meant to give people good and affordable health insurance.

It was meant to drain 85% of the middle class and give it all to the poor, and thus, make all of the middle class poor. Him and his ilk want control. You can't control a population that doesn't depend on you for healthcare, who has money in their pockets.

Like everything with supposed "Democrats" that are actually communists, the naming of that act was just clever Opposite Day propaganda. It's the "Unaffordable We Don't Care Act." It's "ObamaDONTcare."

It's not about insurance and was never about insurance. It was about gaining control. It was about draining insurers so that people would eventually get enraged, not remember who destroyed insurance, and clamor for "universal care." Kinda like what we're seeing now. What a "coincidence."

It mandated that insurers cover a million extra ridiculous things. I'm sorry, but birth control and sex changes are not the responsibility of insurers. Those are LIFESTYLE choices, not medical care. If you wanna go be promiscuous and/or get your sex changed, then you can pay for it, not me.
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