I believe Fauci was quoted recently as saying no vaccine's (including COVID) offer 100% protection.
I know several vaxxed people that got COVID, some more than once. I also know some who did not get the vax and contracted the disease.
I have clients where one got COVID and the spouse did not. Also some where the spouse died and the surviving spouse never got sick or only had a mild case.
Masks didn't work. Neither did social distancing. The vax may have worked for some people.
Ivermectin worked for some, not for others.
Rachel (wife) got 2 or 3 Pfizer shots . . . I only got one J & J and only did it to keep my family from fussing at me.
Rachel almost never left the house, I got the groceries and gas. We both took Vitamin C, D, zinc and a MV and neither of us got sick.
Roll the dice and see what happens.
I got the smallpox and polio vaccine's when I was a kid. It was voluntary, not required.
I know several vaxxed people that got COVID, some more than once. I also know some who did not get the vax and contracted the disease.
I have clients where one got COVID and the spouse did not. Also some where the spouse died and the surviving spouse never got sick or only had a mild case.
Masks didn't work. Neither did social distancing. The vax may have worked for some people.
Ivermectin worked for some, not for others.
Rachel (wife) got 2 or 3 Pfizer shots . . . I only got one J & J and only did it to keep my family from fussing at me.
Rachel almost never left the house, I got the groceries and gas. We both took Vitamin C, D, zinc and a MV and neither of us got sick.
Roll the dice and see what happens.
I got the smallpox and polio vaccine's when I was a kid. It was voluntary, not required.