What Would Happen to Corporate Jobs if We Go to Single Payor?


1000 Post Club
Houston, Tex
When I worked for United Healthcare back pre-reform, I saw many useless high earning employees. Even today, they are still there despite the requirement that companies can only spend 80% on their non-claims related expenses. But, there are still many necessary employees like claims, customer service, provider relations, etc. what becomes of those occupations in the event of single payer takeover?
When I worked for United Healthcare back pre-reform, I saw many useless high earning employees. Even today, they are still there despite the requirement that companies can only spend 80% on their non-claims related expenses. But, there are still many necessary employees like claims, customer service, provider relations, etc. what becomes of those occupations in the event of single payer takeover?

Didn't you hear about VT?

I love how he mentions quality of outcome.

Someone answer me this, how will paying for quality of outcome change a thing? Aren't the big drivers of healthcare costs chronic conditions, where the outcome is just as dependent if not more dependent on the patient following directions as the level and quality of care provided by the doctor?

It seems to me that with quality of outcome payments, you have two choices. 1, you distort the definition enough so that a doctor can continue to treat chronic patients who won't follow orders, or 2, you have to be ok with doctors punting these patients to providers of last resort. And if the provider of last resort is subject to quality of outcome payments, even they may refuse to provide treatment.

Somehow, I don't think as a society we are willing to tell incorrigible, chronic patients, "Go crawl in a hole and die."
I could have sworn the recent elections might have changed things considering the house as the largest repub majority in 85 years.
I could have sworn the recent elections might have changed things considering the house as the largest repub majority in 85 years.

Not happening.

We may see some ACA tweaks (employer mandate, 30 hour week) but no major overhaul.

But you WILL be able to get gas cheaper via the Keystone Pipeline!