What Would You Do?

Personally, I feel you did the right thing. It's sad that we as agents trying to make a living the right way and do the very best we know how for the client, to only have an agent with stinkin thinkin try and ruin things for all of us. As a whole, we as Insurance Agents, don't have the best reputation. It's just ridiciulous there always a bad apple in the bunch. Nail his ass for all of us who try everyday to do the right thing.
The attorney who I recommended to my client called and told me there were at least 8 counts of Federal wire fraud and that he was recently arrested for breaking into cars and stealing credit cards. I have seen no police reports on that last issue and cannot verify it.


I googled and found the police report. Looks like he was hit with Meth possession as well.
Is anybody selling the Baltimore Life Generation Legacy. Seems like it would send my customer's head in circles.