When is a Lead Truly Worked???


Hi, I wondered if anyone had a formula or routine for working leads. Normally I'll get 20-30 leads a week in a certain area. Cant sell over phone yet as my company doesn't offer this ability. At twenty five dollars apiece I'm more comfortable knocking doors anyway . My concern is, at what point have I made a proper and professional attempt at trying to contact the person whom mailed in the lead? Normally I'll try to call at least three different times. Then I'll just show up two different times. If I still cant catch anyone the lead is headed for file 13! This is discouraging because at times it seems I'm wasting a ton off money. My up line says to just keep them for next time. That is worse because it seems more times then not its the same song and dance. Plus I end up with a huge pile of old leads to drag around. Any advice would be greatly appreciated:err:.
We usually work the lead until I get in contact with somebody in the house. Often times, I have knock on the neighbors' door just to find out if that person still lives there....
Your three initial calls and a couple of drive-bys is a good start. Instead of trashing them you should try dumping what's left into a dialer. If you're taking 20-30 leads a week before long you'd a pretty good list. Beats throwing them away and you can rip through your list at different times of the day a lot easier.
The lead is truly worked when the customer tells you "NO." After an average of 5-7 "no's" you've done due diligence and can recycle the lead... Then, the next agent gets it. And soon, the customer is sorry they ever asked...
When they are your client or dead.

I've closed deals on leads that were 3-4 years old. They are still in your market. If they have a med sup they are allways a potential client. Consistent and polite contact every 6-12 months is how I stay in contact.